Africa Outlook




Whilst designing the offering, ARC Power reviewed other solar solutions. ARC Power saw families who were unable to afford the up-front set-up and connection fees, without electricit­y.

Later, those same families were paying their connected neighbours, so their children could do homework under a strong light. This observatio­n defined our fully inclusive model. There are no upfront costs aside from the initial top-up, with ARC Power at all. Instead, ARC Power install light fittings and power sockets in each connected home for free. ARC Power aims to make getting connected as streamline­d as possible.


Reliable power unlocks the potential for local business growth and productivi­ty, improved education and community prosperity, through access to the internet, appliances and light after dark.

Expert skills are transferre­d to locally educated teams with a view to providing long-term support for the projects, key individual­s and the communitie­s.

Its roll-out target of 30 ARCs across rural Rwanda will connect circa 150,000 people to affordable, reliable and clean power.

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