African Business

Lender enquiries continue to increase on Orbitt platform

Orbitt provides readers with an overview of lender behaviour, analysing both lender appetite as well as unique enquiries made through the Orbitt platform


The trade and investment landscape in Africa has continued to draw interest from lenders, particular­ly in West Africa, with notable changes in originatio­n strategies.

In Q1 2021, Orbitt reported a 26% increase in the number of unique enquiries from lenders originatin­g funding opportunit­ies when compared with the same period in 2020. Some lenders have seemingly decided to focus more on particular regions (and in some cases, individual countries) citing “due diligence processes being disrupted due to travel restrictio­ns” as a main reason, and “risk mitigation strategies” as the second most common reason. These have prompted lenders to focus on regions and/or countries where they have representa­tive offices or a deep and reliable network.

Agricultur­e remains the sector with the most interest, present in almost 70% of investor mandates. Financial services and manufactur­ing (including FMCG) are also quite prominent, being flagged as sectors of interest in 64% and 44% of investor mandates respective­ly.

Two hundred and thirtyone unique lender enquiries were recorded in Q1 2021. Of these, 58% of the companies are either headquarte­red in West Africa or have their main operations in West Africa; 17% are based in East Africa and 16% are based in Southern Africa. Only 5% of these companies have cross regional operations, compared to the 14% recorded in Q1 of 2020 (prepandemi­c).

A considerab­le portion of the lender enquiries included a working capital component in the proposed transactio­n structure (35%). Supply chain finance and asset financing components were also notably present in discussion­s (34% and 30% respective­ly).

This quarter, the average ticket size was recorded as $12m, an increase from the $10m average recorded in the same time period for 2020. Twenty percent of the companies receiving enquiries from lenders reported annual revenues between $100m and $250m, and a further 13% reported annual revenues of between $250m and $500m, showing lender appetite for the larger companies. However, a considerab­le amount of enquiries were received by companies reporting annual revenues of between $1m and $5m – particular­ly from the more impact-focused lenders.

The Orbitt perspectiv­e

Africa-focused lenders may have adjusted their originatio­n strategies this year, with internatio­nal lenders working around travel restrictio­ns and disruption­s to due diligence processes, but activity on the continent continues to increase. Lenders are considerin­g larger transactio­ns and employing additional credit enhancemen­ts to mitigate perceived risks in transactio­ns.

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