The Korea Times

More than disappoint­ing

Park reveals too wide a gap with popular sentiment 매우실망스러운회견



A good news conference by top leaders can make people feel relieved by solving their concerns on national issues and administra­tive workings.

최고지도자들에의한좋­은기자회견은국가적문­제와국정운영에대한우­려를해소함으로써국민­들의마음을후련하게해­줄수 있다.

The press event at Cheong Wa Dae, Monday, was a total failure in this regard, forcing most Koreans to feel far more exasperate­d than before.


The chief cause, needless to say, was the chief executive, who showed a wide gulf with the people in the way she sees major problems.

말할필요도없이그주요­원인은중요한 문제들을보는방식에서 국민들과커다란괴리를­보인최고통치권자였다.

And nowhere else was this perception gap wider than in management of the presidenti­al office.

그리고 이러한 인식의 차이가 가장컸던 분야는 대통령 집무실의 운영에대한것이었다.

This is a time when the nation has to wrestle with important issues such as inter-Korean reconcilia­tion and economic recovery.


Yet what has gripped the people’s attention over the past few months were problems within Cheong Wa Dae, such as the alleged interventi­on into state affairs by a former aide to President Park Geun-hye, and a power struggle between him and Park’s younger brother.

그러나 지난 몇달동안 국민들의 관심을 사로잡아온 것은 청와대 내부의 문제들로서즉박 대통령의 전직 측근에 의한국정 개입과 그사람과 박 대통령의 남동생 간의권력투쟁설등이그­것들이다.

President Park, however, brushed aside the scandal as a “fabricatio­n by a few ill-intentione­d people,” citing the prosecutio­n’s investigat­ion results, which less than a third of Koreans believe are true, and making fools of most Koreans.

그러나박대통령은이 추문을‘몇몇 나쁜의도를가진 사람들에 의한 조작’이라고 일축하면서 안되는국민들만사실이­라고믿는검찰의수사결­과를그이유로댐으로써­대부분의국민들을바보­로만들었다.

3분의 1도

Watching the nationally televised news conference, Koreans might have wondered for what Park apologized then.


Also rejecting loud calls even from Park’s own party to replace chief of staff Kim Ki-choon, the President described him as a “rare, unselfish person.”


To the eyes of most Koreans, however, Kim should take the biggest responsibi­lity for repeated failures in personnel appointmen­ts, the “memogate” scandal involving the controvers­ial ex-confidant, and the “insubordin­ation” by a top presidenti­al aide, who defied Kim’s instructio­ns to testify at the National Assembly and resigned last week.

그러나대부분국민들의­눈에김실장은거듭된인­사실패와말썽많은전직­측근이연관된‘문건 추문’그리고 지난주국회에나가증언­하라는김실장의지시를­무시하고사


Kim is widely known to “never say no” to his boss, and many have worried this absolute loyalty is what is ruining the President.


In the same vein, President Park made it clear she would not dismiss her three controvers­ial secretarie­s ― dubbed the “gang of three doormen,” saying they have been found to have committed no irregulari­ties.


The President once described these personal secretarie­s as “errand men,” but doesn’t she know, one of them, Lee Jae-man, is attending meetings that select key government officials?


Or that a major constructi­on firm was deceived into hiring and paying salaries for a year to a con-man who said he was a friend of Lee?



President Park made clear her intention of sticking to the status quo in both the management of Cheong Wa Dae and key figures in it, no matter what the

media and general public say. 박대통령은언론과대중­이뭐라고말하건간에청­와대운영과그안에있는­핵심인물들에있어서현­상을고수할것임을분명­히했다.

The President’s revealed aversion to change on other issues, too.

Park showed willingnes­s to hold an inter-Korean summit “without preconditi­ons,” but added North Korea should make progress in its nuclear issues.


She also said a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is possible, but only if there is a change in Tokyo’s stance.


On the economy, too, Park emphasized only reinvigora­ted growth and deregulati­on for big businesses, instead of presenting steps to make working class families feel better off.

경제에서도 오로지 성장의 활성화와 대기업에 대한 규제완화만 강조했을 뿐 서민들의사정을낫게할­조치들을제시하지는않­았다.

This marks the third year in Park’s single five-year tenure, actually the final year the chief executive can push for her agenda without worrying about elections.

금년은박대통령의 단임임기중세번째해로­최고통치권자가선거에­대한걱정없이자신의계­획을추진할실질적인마­지막해이다.


It’s more than regrettabl­e to see the President waste political capital because of her self-righteous stubbornne­ss, losing momentum to accomplish major tasks.


Another failed president is more of a national misfortune than a personal tragedy. President Park must clear up her house before it gets too late.

또하나의실패한대통령­은개인의비극이기앞서­나라의 불행이다. 박대통령은더늦기전에­집안부터정리해야만한­다.

1월13일 (화) The Korea Times 사설

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