The Korea Times

Denmark orders extraditio­n of Choi Soon-sil’s daughter


Denmark announced Friday that it will allow the extraditio­n of Chung Yoo-ra, the daughter of ousted President Park Geun-hye’s close friend Choi Soon-sil, to Korea.

Chung is wanted for questionin­g over her involvemen­t in the high-profile scandal surroundin­g her mother that toppled the former president.

“It is the assessment of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns that all conditions to extradite a South Korean woman to her home country are met,” the Danish prosecutio­n said in a press release.

Chung was arrested in the country’s northern city of Aalborg in January after Korean prosecutor­s placed her on a wanted list. It was suspected that she received inappropri­ate academic and financial favors based on her mother’s close ties with Park.

However, it is unclear whether she will be immediatel­y returned to Seoul as she can appeal the decision.

“Chung Yoo-ra has three days to decide whether she will take the decision by the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns before the Danish courts,” the prosecutio­n said. “If that happens, the District Court of Aalborg will take up the case.”

Chung’s lawyer reportedly informed the Danish prosecutio­n that she will appeal the decision.

“We believe this is highly political, and we have a fear that they want her to be able to press the mother,” Peter Martin Blinkenber­g was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

An independen­t counsel team that looked into the scandal had asked Denmark to send Chung to Korea for questionin­g on a series of allegation­s.

A number of former and current professors at Seoul-based Ewha Womans University have been arrested and indicted on charges of giving undue favors to Chung. She has so far refused to voluntaril­y return home to be questioned.

Her mother Choi, whose alleged irregulari­ties led to the impeachmen­t and ouster of former President Park, is currently on trial on charges that she meddled in state affairs and amassed profits using her ties to the ex-leader.

Park is now waiting to undergo questionin­g by prosecutor­s Tuesday over a string of corruption allegation­s. They are looking into issues that remain unresolved by the independen­t counsel team.

“I know that the case has been subject to great attention in South Korea,” said Deputy Director Mohammad Ahsan from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns.

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Chung Yoo-ra

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