The Korea Times

Park supporter arrested for assaulting journalist­s

- By Lee Kyung-min

A staunch supporter of former President Park Geun-hye was put behind bars, Thursday, for assaulting two journalist­s with a steel ladder at the rally near Cheong Wa Dae last Friday, after the Constituti­onal Court upheld the impeachmen­t of Park.

According to the Seoul Metropolit­an Police Agency, the Seoul Central District Court issued an arrest warrant for the man, surnamed Lee, 55, on charges of aggravated assault.

Police said Lee hit two reporters with a steel ladder, in front of Anguk Station near the Presidenti­al office, venting frustratio­n over the court ruling. He was one of many Park supporters who gathered near the station to participat­e in the rally to demand the court overturn the impeachmen­t.

Lee told police he was enraged by the ruling and expressed his overall distrust and discontent toward the media for what he called “biased coverage against Park.”

Lee was also detained and questioned for sitting in a tent that illegally occupied part of Gwanghwamu­n Square during Monday’s Park support rally.

Meanwhile, parents of children attending Samreung Elementary School in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul nearby Park’s private residence filed a complaint with police, Thursday, for the noise and harassment from Park supporters.

Police are also questionin­g 16 individual­s, a considerab­le number of whom are Park supporters, suspected of committing 21 violent crimes during rallies near Cheong Wa Dae since Friday.

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