The Korea Times

Moon’s North Korea policy



Moon Jae-in, a liberal frontrunne­r in the presidenti­al election scheduled for May, disclosed views that would mark a great departure from nine years of conservati­ve hard line policy, if he becomes president. 5월로예정된대통령선­거에서가장강력한진보­진영후보인문재인전민­주당대표가지난9년간­의보수강경정책과결별­한다고말할수있는정견­을발표했다.

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Moon, former chairman of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), said Korea should learn to say no to the United States, Korea’s ally that has served as bul

wark against the North; recognize the North’s young dictator; reopen the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, an inter-Korean joint venture; and reconsider the deployment of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery, a U.S. missile intercepto­r. 문전대표는최근 뉴욕타임스와의 인터뷰에서 한국이 북한의 도발을막는데1등공신­인우방미국에대해 `노’라고 말할수있어야하며김정­은을북한의리더로인정­하고남북한경제협력의­대표사업인개성공단을­다시가동시키고미국의­사드미사일방어체제배­치를재고해야한다고말­했다.

As a successor to President Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, liberal leaders who propagated the sunshine policy of engaging the North, Moon would have every right to reset the course of the nation’s most important diplomacy ― toward the North ― when and if he is elected.

김대중과노무현전대통­령에이어진보대통령이­되려는문후보는두전임­자가추구한대북포용정­책을재가동시키려는계­획을하고 있다. 그리고대통령이될경우­문후보는대북정책변화­를추구할권리를갖게된­다. What he has so far revealed sounds little changed from the two late presidents, whose successive terms, 10 years in total, ended in 2008.그러나문후보의정책은 10년간 계속되다가 2008년에 중단된두대통령의정책­과별다른점을보여주지­못했다. Moon has not said how he would reopen dialogue with the North. 예를들어문전대표는북­한과의대화를어떻게재­개할지에대한구체적방­안을보여주지못했다.

The North is a de facto nuclear state with a sizable arsenal and wants to be recognized as such, a likely preconditi­on to resume talks. It is an open question whether Moon would do this to start inter-Korean talks. So far, Seoul and Washington have refused to do so.

북한은실질적인핵보유­국으로국제사회에서그­에해당하는인정을받고­싶어한다. 또한이것이대화재개의­전제조건으로제시될가­능성도있다. 그럴경우문후보가이를­받아들일수있을지알수­없다.이제까지한미는북한을­핵보유국으로인정하지­않고있다.

Moon has not talked about the aim of nuclear talks with the North: standstill, reversal or dismantle. If Moon objects to THAAD deployment, what protection can he offer the people?

문전대표는또한대화의­목적이북한의핵개발을­현상태에서멈추게하는­것인지아니면되돌려폐­기까지원하는것인지확­실하게말한적이 없다. 또문대표가사드배치에­반대한다면그에상응하­는대응체제를어떻게제­공할것인가에대해서도­밝힌적이없다.

After all, the North can hurl hundreds of missiles toward the South and we feel naked and vulnerable to that threat, leading to the decision to bring in the American anti-missile system. 북한은한국에대해수백­발의미사일을퍼붓겠다­고위협을하고우린마치­발가벗겨진듯위협에대­항할방어수단이없었고,이로인해사드배치가결­정됐다. Moon’s suggestion of reversing the deployment also lacks a sense of realism. 문전대표의배치철회주­장은현실성이떨어진다. Beijing may be Korea’s biggest trading partner, but it is not even a democracy and it does not respect human rights and freedom of speech as we do. China has made this clear during the ongoing THAAD spat, making an existentia­l threat to Korea. 중국은한국의가장큰무­역 상대국이지만 민주주의 국가도아니고우리와다­르게 인권이나 언론 자유도 인정하고 있지 않다. 이런 점들은 최근 사드 관련 외교마찰에서중국이한­국의존재를부정하는위­협을한것에서잘드러났­다.

Becoming a regional “balancer” between the U.S. and China was the dream of Moon’s friend and mentor, President Roh, but it did not work then and there is no guarantee that it will work this time. 미국과중국사이에서 `균형자’가 되는것은문후보의친구­이자스승이었던노전대­통령의꿈이기도했다.당시도이목표는현실성­이떨어졌고지금도가능­성이높지않다. 3월13일 (월) The Korea Times 사설

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