The Korea Times

Dad can’t be thanked enough for helping daughter pay bills

- By Abigail Van Buren

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married just over a year. It’s the second marriage for both of us. Since our wedding, my father-in-law continuall­y “reminds” us that he helped my wife financiall­y after her divorce. He does it because he wants us to continuall­y acknowledg­e that fact.

I have offered to write a check and pay him back for all he did for her during that time, but he refused because he doesn’t want the money; he wants the appreciati­on. To him what that means is when he calls on the phone, we answer. When he and his wife drop by, we are home, etc. I feel that since I have offered to pay him back and he refused the money, the slate is wiped clean. Your thoughts?


DEAR SON-IN-LAW: Your father-in-law regards his generosity as a means to control your wife — and you by extension. You are not required to answer your phone if you prefer not to talk at a particular time, and you certainly do not have to entertain him and his wife at the drop of a hat. The next time the subject comes up, explain that to him, hand him a check and let the chips fall where they may.

DEAR ABBY: My best friend is pregnant. Her husband is a lazy jerk who, during her last pregnancy, caused her to miscarry. It happened after he informed her he was filing for divorce and marrying a mail-order bride.

I can’t bring myself to be happy for her. What do I do? How can I be happy for the person who means the most to me, but will probably lean on me for more support than I can or want to give? BEST FRIEND BLUES IN KENTUCKY

DEAR B.F.B.: Friends do lean on each other for support, but you can only do what you can do. Frankly, I am surprised that she’s still with the husband who treated her so shabbily. Help her in those areas that you can, but ultimately understand that she is responsibl­e for her own choices. If she needs more help than you can give her, encourage her to reach out to a profession­al.

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