The Korea Times

American peace activist is denied entry to South Korea



SEOUL, South Korea ― An American who helped arrange for 30 female peace activists to cross the heavily armed border between North and South Korea in 2015 has been denied entry to South Korea, officials confirmed on Monday.

서울, 한국 ―지난 2015년 30명의 여성평화 활동가들이 경비가 삼엄한 남북한 경계를 건너는 일을 주최한 미국인이 한국에서입국 거부를 당한 사실을 관계자들이 월요일확인했다.

Christine Ahn, a South Korean-born American citizen, said she did not know she was persona non grata in the country until Asiana Airlines stopped her from boarding a flight at the San Francisco airport on Thursday.

한국 출신의 미국 시민권자인 크리스틴안 씨는 목요일, 샌프란시스코 공항에서 아시아나 항공기로부터 탑승 거부를 당할 때까지 자신이 한국에서 기피 인물이라는 사실을몰랐다고밝혔다.

She had planned to transit through Incheon Internatio­nal Airport outside Seoul on her way to China, where she intended to spend a week before visit-

ing South Korea.

크리스틴안씨는 중국으로 가기위해서울 외곽 지역에 있는 인천국제공항을 경유할 예정이었으며, 한국에 가기 전 일주일을중국에서지내­려했다.

After being told she was not allowed to transit though South Korea, she bought a new ticket to fly directly to Shanghai, she said.

안씨는자신이 한국을 경유할수없다는사실을 들은후 상하이행 직항 항공권을 구매했다고말했다.

The Justice Ministry of South Korea said on Monday that Ms. Ahn had been denied entry because there were sufficient grounds to fear that she might “hurt the national interests and public safety” of South Korea.


Ms. Ahn said she suspected that the government of the former president Park Geun-hye, a conservati­ve who was impeached over a corruption scandal and removed from office in March, had put her on a blacklist for helping organize the Women Cross DMZ campaign in May 2015.

크리스틴 안 씨는, 부정부패 파문으로 탄핵당하고지난 3월 파면된보수파의박근혜­전대통령의정부가 2015년 5월위민크로스디엠지( Women Cross DMZ) 캠페인주최를 도운 이유로 자신을 블랙리스트에 올렸을것이라고추측했­다.

 ??  ?? Christine Ahn, fifth from right, marching with Gloria Steinem and other activists near the border between South Korea and North Korea in May 2015. Credit Lee Jin-Man/Associated Press 2015년 5월, 글로리아스타이넘씨를­비롯한다른활동가들과­함께남북한접경인근지­역을행진하는크리스틴­안씨 (오른쪽에서다섯번째)
Christine Ahn, fifth from right, marching with Gloria Steinem and other activists near the border between South Korea and North Korea in May 2015. Credit Lee Jin-Man/Associated Press 2015년 5월, 글로리아스타이넘씨를­비롯한다른활동가들과­함께남북한접경인근지­역을행진하는크리스틴­안씨 (오른쪽에서다섯번째)

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