The Korea Times

Countries where North Korea makes money despite sanctions


Here’s a look at some areas where Pyongyang operates, according to the United Nations, the U.S. State Department, activists and others:

Angola: North Koreans have trained members of the African nation’s presidenti­al guard in martial arts. Angola also is among several countries where North Korean workers have built monuments.

China: One of the biggest hubs for North Korean labor, with thousands of workers believed to be working across several industries. It also hosts many North Korean restaurant­s, which serve as a vital hard-currency generator for Pyongyang.

Congo: Congo’s government received automatic pistols and other small arms from North Korea that were issued to the Central African nation’s presidenti­al guard and special units of the national police, which later deployed as peacekeepe­rs in the Central African Republic. It is also one of several countries to where North Korean workers have built monuments.

Egypt: The U.N. says it is investigat­ing the shipment of spare Scud missile parts by North Korea to this U.S. ally.

Eritrea: The East African nation has purchased military-related items from North Korea.

Kuwait: North Korea sends workers to Kuwait for constructi­on projects and has an embassy there representi­ng its citizens in other Gulf nations.

Mozambique: North Korea is refurbishi­ng tanks, modernizin­g a surface-to-air-missile system and supplying portable air defense systems to this African nation. It has also conducted monument-building.

Namibia: North Korea supplied material and laborers for a munitions factory, and performed monument work.

Nigeria: The West African nation has hosted North Korean doctors. Three of them were killed in a 2013 attack suspected at the time to have been carried out by the radical Islamic group Boko Haram.

Oman: North Korea sends workers for constructi­on projects.

Qatar: North Korea sends workers for constructi­on projects.

Russia: Another major hub for thousands of North Korean workers, many of whom work in the timber and constructi­on industries.

Sudan: North Korea has supplied rocket control sections and satellite-guided missiles.

Syria: Syria has purchased military-related equipment and arms from North Korea.

Uganda: North Korea’s military has trained air force pilots and technician­s.

UAE: North Korea runs restaurant­s and operates constructi­on companies, sending laborers to work at both. The UAE also previously purchased Scud missiles from North Korea.

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