The Korea Times

North Korea tests a ballistic missile that experts say could hit California



North Korea tested an interconti­nental ballistic missile on Friday that, for the first time, appeared capable of reaching the West Coast of the United States, according to experts ― a milestone that American presidents have long declared the United States could not tolerate.

북한이 금요일 대륙간탄도미사일을 발사했다. 전문가의 견해에 따르면 이번 미사일은처음으로 미국서부해안을타격할­능력을갖춘것으로보이­며,이와같은중요한사태에­대해미국은이를묵과할­수없을것이라고미국대­통령들은오랫동안선언­해왔다.

The launch, the second of an interconti­nental missile in 24 days, did not answer the question of whether the North has mastered all the technologi­es necessary to deliver a nuclear weapon to targets in the lower 48 states.


만에 두 번째인 대륙간탄도미사일발사­는북한이과연미국의나­머지 48개 주를 타격할 핵무기를 보유하는 데 필요한 모든기술을 숙지하였는지의 여부를알려주지는않는­다.

But just a few days ago, the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency warned the Trump administra­tion that the North would probably be able to do so within a year, and Friday’s test left little doubt that Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, is speeding toward that goal.

하지만 불과 며칠 전, 국방정보국은 트럼프 대통령 행정부에 북한이 1년 내에 그렇게할수있다고 경고했으며, 금요일의발사실험은북­한의김정은국방위원장­이 빠르게그 목표 달성을 향해가고 있음을 확인해주었다.

The missile l aunched on Friday remained aloft for roughly 47 minutes, according to American, South Korean and Japanese officials, following a steep trajectory that took it roughly 2,300 miles into space.

한미일관계자들의발표­에따르면북한이금요일­에 발사한 탄도 미사일은 2,300마일가량가파르­게대기로오른뒤 47분가량공중에머물­렀다.

It then turned and arced sharply down into the sea near the northernmo­st Japanese island, Hokkaido.

그뒤 미사일은 방향을바꿔원호모양을­그리며 일본의 최북단 섬인 홋카이도 인근바다로떨어졌다.

If that trajectory had been flattened out ― a step the North may have avoided for fear of provoking an American military response ― the missile could have put a number of major American cities at risk, experts say.

탄도미사일 궤적이 수평으로 발사되었다면 (미국의 군사대응을촉발시킬것­을우려해 북한이 피한 것일 수도 있지만) 미국 주요 도시들을 타격했을 수도 있다고 전문가들이밝혔다. < 7월 28일자뉴욕타임스온­라인판기사>

 ?? KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY ?? Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, in April 4월, 북한김정은국방위원장­의모습
KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, in April 4월, 북한김정은국방위원장­의모습

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