The Korea Times

Stepping Stones



정호승시인은정제된서­정으로비극적현실세계­에대한자각및사랑과 외로움을노래하는시인­으로알려져있습니다.

정호승 시인의 시는 교학 도서, 천재교과서, 비상교육, 금성출판사, 지학사 교과서에 수록되어 공교육 현장에서 널리 활용되고있습니다.

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[원문 번역] Translated by Brother Anthony and Susan Hwang

➊ Water flows as it should ➋ ice freezes as it should ➌ but I cannot live as I should ➍ and lie flat, turned into stepping stones.

➎ Today again the water is cold, the current fast.

➏ Please, don’t fall into the water ➐ but stamp on me and cross over vigorously.

➒ How many more times will we be able

➑ to cross the blue stream’s stepping stones?

➓ Sometimes stepping stones turn into water and flow away.

 Stepping stones turned into water flow far away

 and there are times when they can never be seen again

 no matter how much we want to see them.

We serve others as stepping stones so that they can advance safely in life; others serve us in the same way, before passing on out of this life, since we all are mortal. 우리는타인들이삶에서­안전하게나아 가도록 디딤돌이 되어준다. 삶을 마무리하기 전에 타인들도 같은 방식으로 역할을 하는데, 이는우리모두가유한한­존재이기때문이다.

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