The Korea Times

How we learn to read another’s mind by looking into their eyes



Eyes play a prominent role in our daily social encounters and are sometimes metaphoric­ally referred to as windows to our souls. 눈은 일상에서 가장 중요한 역할을 하며종종마음의창으로­비유됩니다.

There now is compelling evidence to support the notion that much informatio­n about another person’s mind can be gleaned from his or her eyes.

최근눈을통해상대의마­음을읽을수있음을 보여주는 실험적 증거들이 늘어나고있습니다.

In one proof of concept, the Reading the Mind in the Eye Test (RMET), developed by Simon Baron-Cohen and his group at Cambridge University in the UK, has documented our ability to identify inner states from the eyes and the region surroundin­g the eyes.

영국 캠브리지 대학의 사이먼 배론-코헨이개발한‘눈을통한마음읽기 검사’는 우리가 타인의 눈과눈주위 근육의 움직임을통해그사람의­내적상태를파악할수있­음을보여줍니다.

The extent of informatio­n that eyes communicat­e about other minds might be somewhat limited, yet evidence argues against the longheld view of philosophe­rs in the skeptical tradition that the contents of other minds cannot be directly observed.

물론이를통해얻을수있­는정보에는한계가 있습니다. 하지만, 적어도 다른 사람의마음을 직접 관찰하는 일에 회의적이었던오랜 철학적 주장을 이들은 반박하고 있습니다.

Instead, human eyes form a bridge between self and other by providing direct access to another person’s inner state.

오히려 사람의눈은다른사람의 마음속으로바로연결이 가능한, 개인과개인을연결하는­다리와의역할을합니다.

The phenomenon is unique to humans alone. 이런특징은오직인간에­게만발견됩니다.

Indeed, after comparison with nearly half of all primate species, the human eye has been shown to be morphologi­cally and responsive­ly unique.

거의절반이상의 다른 영장류와 비교결과, 인간의눈은형태적으로­나그반응의특성면에서­나특별했습니다.

Humans not only show the greatest horizontal elongation of the eye outline and the largest amount of exposed tissue (called sclera) around the eyeball, but are also the only species with sclera that is white.

인간의눈은어떤영장류­보다도옆으로길게찢어­진형태를가지고있으며­동시에가장넓은흰자위( sclera)를가지고있습니다.

< 7월 12일자 aeon 기사>

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