The Korea Times

South Korea will not develop or possess nuclear weapons, president says

WORLD NEWS문대통령,한국은핵무기를개발도­보유도하지않을것


SEOUL ― President Moon Jae-in told lawmakers Wednesday that South Korea would not seek nuclear weapons and would never accept its neighbor North Korea as a nuclear-armed state.

서울 ― 문재인 대통령은 수요일 국회에서 한국은 핵무기를 추구하지 않을 것이며이웃 국가인 북한을 핵무장된 국가로 받아들이지않을것이라­고말했다.

Recent tests by North Korea have led to a renewed debate about nuclear weapons in South Korea. 최근 북한의 핵 실험은 한국의 핵무기에관한새로운논­쟁을이끌어냈다.

“According to the joint agreement by the two Koreas on denucleari­zation, North Korea’s nuclear state cannot be accepted or tolerated. We will not develop or possess nuclear weapons either,” the president said in his second state of the nation address at the National Assembly, South Korea’s parliament. “남북한의 비핵화합의에따라북한­의핵보유는 받아들일 수 없으며 용납될 수도없다. 우리는핵무기를개발하­거나보유하지도않을 것”이라고 문 대통령은 한국의 의회인 국회에서 행한 두 번째 국회 시정연설에서밝혔다.

Although the country once sought its own nuclear weapons in the 1970s during the presidency of Park Chunghee, the United States persuaded South Korea to abandon such ambitions.


박정희 전 대통령의 재임 기간인대에 한국은 자체 핵무기를 보유하려고 추구한 적이 있으나 미국은 한국이 그러한야심을포기하도­록했다.

The United States stationed nuclear weapons in South Korea during the Cold War until 1991, when President George H.W. Bush withdrew all such tactical weapons deployed abroad, though the country remains under the U.S. nuclear umbrella.

냉전 기간 동안 미국은 한국에 핵무기를배치했다가 1991년 조지 H.W. 부시 대통령에 의해 해외에 배치된 그러한 모든 전략무기가철수되었지­만한국은미국의핵우산­하에남아있다.

After North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on Sept. 3, a number of politician­s suggested that the South should reconsider its own nuclear weapons program.

9월 3일 6번째

북한이 핵 실험을 실시한이후 수많은 정치인들이 한국도 자체 핵무기프로그램을재고­해야한다고말했다.

In the weeks following that test, a group of lawmakers from South Korea’s opposition party, the Liberty Korea Party, came to Washington to ask for the redeployme­nt of U.S. nuclear weapons to the country.

9월 3일

실험이 있은몇주후한국의야당­인 자유한국당 소속 일부 의원들은 한국에 미국 핵무기를 재배치할 것을 요구하러미국을방문했­다.

< 10월 31일자워싱턴포스트­기사>

 ?? Yonhap ?? President Moon Jae-in offers handshakes to lawmakers of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP) following his speech at the National Assembly, Wednesday.문재인대통령이1일국­회시정연설을마치고자­유한국당의원들에게악­수를청하고있다.
Yonhap President Moon Jae-in offers handshakes to lawmakers of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP) following his speech at the National Assembly, Wednesday.문재인대통령이1일국­회시정연설을마치고자­유한국당의원들에게악­수를청하고있다.

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