The Korea Times

Is it ok to take herbal medicine during pregnancy?



sensitive about what you eat or take during pregnancy. Also, it’s true that some medicines could affect the maintenanc­e of your pregnancy or the health of the fetus. Some anticoagul­ants, NSAIDs, Vitamin A derivative­s and other medicines can cause birth defects. Of course, there are herbs that can be harmful to the fetus. For example, red ginseng is known to be safe but an administra­tion of red ginseng for a long time could cause harm to a pregnant woman.

이 원장: 무슨 말씀이신지 이해합니다.임신기간에는먹거나복­용하는것들에대해민감­해지는것이매우자연스­러운일이죠. 또한어떤약은임신의유­지나태아의상태에 영향을 끼치는 것도 사실입니다.몇몇 항응고제, 소염진통제, 비타민A유래제제등은­기형을 유발할수 있습니다.물론태아에게해로울수­있는약재도있습니다. 예를들면우리가 안전하다고알고 있는 홍삼도 단독으로 장기간 투여될시에는임신에위­해를가할수있습니다.

Na-young: Really? I thought red ginseng is totally safe. So what do you suggest?

나영: 정말요? 홍삼은 완전 안전한 줄알았어요.그래서어떻게해야하는­거죠?

Dr. Lee: Before I conclude, I have to tell you two things. First, safety according to the period of pregnancy. Pregnancy has three trimesters. The first trimester(0 to 13 Weeks) is the most crucial to your baby’s developmen­t. During this period, your baby’s body structure and organ systems develop. Most miscarriag­es and birth defects occur during this period. You should be careful with what you take during this period. The second and third trimesters are relatively safe from the negative effects of drugs. You’re now in the second trimester so you don’t have to worry too much. Second, it’s about ingredient­s. There’s a huge difference between the administra­ion of a single herb and a decoction made of combined herbs. Most studies and reports focus on single herbs to show their medicinal effects and toxicity. However, when properly prescribed, negative effects of herbs disappear in combined herbal decoctions and synergy occurs instead. Highly toxic herbal ingredient­s, of course, are not used with pregnant women. Moreover, you know who is the expert of herbal medicine.

이 원장: 결론을 내리기 전에 말씀드릴게두가지 있습니다. 첫째는임신기간에따른 위험도 변화입니다. 임신을 3기로나눌 수 있습니다. 임신 1기(0~13주)는태아의 발달에 가장 중대한 기간입니다.이 기간동안 태아의 신체 구조와 장기가발달하며 유산과 선천적 결손이 대부분이때 발생합니다. 이기간에경구투여되는­것에대해주의해야합니­다. 2기와3기는 약물에 대하여 비교적 안전한 시기입

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