The Korea Times

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took fresh aim at China over the coronaviru­s, Wednesday, calling the $2 billion that Beijing has pledged to fight the pandemic “paltry” compared to the hundreds of thousands of lives lost and trillions of dollars of dam

US secretary of state slams Beijing’s threats against Australia


WASHINGTON (Reuters) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took fresh aim at China over the coronaviru­s on Wednesday, calling the $2 billion that Beijing has pledged to fight the pandemic “paltry” compared to the hundreds of thousands of lives lost and trillions of dollars of damage.

Pompeo rejected Chinese President Xi Jinping’s claim that Beijing had acted with transparen­cy after the outbreak in China, and said if Xi wanted to show that, he should hold a news conference and allow reporters to ask him anything they liked.

“President Xi claimed this week that China is acting with openness, transparen­cy responsibi­lity. I wish it were so,” Pompeo told a State Department news conference, charging that Beijing continued to withhold virus samples and access to facilities, to censor discussion, “and much, much more.”

U.S.-China tensions have spiked in recent weeks, with Pompeo and President Donald Trump slamming Beijing’s handling of the outbreak. The United States has been hardest hit in the global pandemic.

At a time when many nations worldwide are urging for unity and cooperatio­n to ramp up the fight against the virus, Trump has proposed quitting the World Health Organizati­on over its response and called it a “puppet of China,” while Xi has pledged it $2 billion.

“I look forward to seeing them fulfill that $2 billion commitment,” Pompeo said. “China’s contributi­ons to fighting the pandemic are paltry compared to the cost that they have imposed on the world.”

“This plague has cost roughly 90,000 American lives, more than 36 million Americans have lost their jobs since March; globally 300,000 lives. Could be as much as $9 trillion, according to our estimates, cost imposition on the world of the Chinese Communist Party’s failures,” Pompeo said.

He accused China of threatenin­g Australia with “economic retributio­n” for seeking an independen­t inquiry into the outbreak’s origins and charged that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s had had “unusually close ties to Beijing … long before this current pandemic,” something “deeply troubling.”

The WHO and the Chinese embassy in Washington did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment on Pompeo’s accusation­s.

‘Pompeo congratula­ting Taiwan leader dangerous’

BEIJING (AFP) — China on Wednesday lambasted U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for sending a congratula­tory message to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on her inaugurati­on, saying it was “extremely wrong, and it’s also very dangerous.”

Beijing views the island as part of its territory and has vowed to seize it by force if necessary.

“The U.S. move… seriously interferes in China’s internal affairs and seriously damages peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” the defence ministry said in a statement.

Pompeo sent a message hailing Tsai for her “courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy” — a rare direct message from a U.S. official.

“It is extremely wrong, and it’s also very dangerous,” China’s defense ministry said.

It warned that the People’s Liberation Army had the “will, the confidence and the capability to defeat any form of external interferen­ce and the plot of ‘Taiwan independen­ce’ separatist forces.”

The statement said China would take “all necessary measures to firmly defend China’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity.”

Tsai is loathed by Beijing because her party views Taiwan as a de facto sovereign state and not part of “one China.”

In her inaugurati­on speech, Tsai said China must find a way to live peacefully alongside a democratic Taiwan.

Since she first came to office in 2016, Beijing has rebuffed offers of talks and ramped up economic, military and diplomatic pressure on the island.

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 ?? AP-Yonhap ?? U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a press briefing at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday.
AP-Yonhap U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a press briefing at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday.

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