The Korea Times

Atomic bombing starts our moral awakening


The following is a statement issued Aug. 2 by the Asia-Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion and Disarmamen­t (APLN) on the occasion of the 75th anniversar­y of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombing. The statement was written by APLN Chair Gareth Evans and APLN Vice Chair and Executive Director Moon Chung-in. — ED.

Seventy-five years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put beyond argument that nuclear weapons are the most indiscrimi­nately inhumane ever devised, the distressin­g reality is that the risk of nuclear catastroph­e is as great as it has ever been, and the goal

— shared by all APLN members — of achieving their eliminatio­n from the face of the Earth is as far from achievemen­t as it has ever been. Existing nuclear arms control agreements are dead or dying. There is no prospect whatever of any nuclear armed state joining the Nuclear Ban Treaty.

There has been no progress on moderating the salience of nuclear weapons in strategic doctrines. There have been no advances on “no first use,” “negative security assurances,” “de-alerting” or serious stockpile reduction — all long-standing goals of APLN. Hopes for progress on denucleari­zing the Korean Peninsula have stalled, and all six nuclear-armed states in the Asia-Pacific region are increasing their nuclear profiles.

No action on disarmamen­t by the nuclear weapons states means that commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty remains fragile, and efforts to strengthen it impossible. The reality remains, as stated over the decades by successive internatio­nal commission­s, that so long as any state has nuclear weapons, others will want them; so long as any nuclear weapons remain they are bound one day to be used, by accident or misadventu­re if not design; and any such use would be catastroph­ic for life on this planet as we know it.

Making progress on nuclear disarmamen­t is a slow, grinding, frustratin­g, unrewardin­g process, but it is an effort that must continue, for the survival of humanity depends on it. The nuclear threat, like the two other existentia­l threats to life as we know it the world faces, climate change and global pandemics, can only be overcome through serious, sustained, intelligen­t internatio­nal cooperatio­n.

The indispensa­ble ingredient in meeting all these existentia­l challenges is effective, principled political leadership. On the nuclear threat, that leadership could most immediatel­y be shown by the heads of the three major nuclear powers — the United States, Russia and China — each committing themselves to a serious resumption of nuclear arms control negotiatio­ns at all relevant bilateral and multilater­al levels, and restating what Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev so profoundly and relevantly articulate­d 35 years ago: “A nuclear war can never be won and must never be fought.”

While the immediate environmen­t for such commitment is desolate, it is important to stay optimistic, and work for change — however incrementa­l — as we at APLN continue to do. Lessons are sometimes learned, pendulums do swing, wheels do turn and presidents and prime ministers do change.

President Obama spoke in Hiroshima in 2016 of us choosing “a future in which Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known not as the dawn of atomic warfare, but as the start of our own moral awakening.” It is crucial to keep the memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki alive, and to keep alive the idea that out of their ashes 75 years ago a better and more humane world can indeed grow.

 ??  ?? Gareth Evans
Gareth Evans
 ??  ?? Moon Chung-in
Moon Chung-in

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