The Korea Times

US retaliatio­n for American deaths shouldn’t be driven by war fever

- By Daniel DePetris Daniel DePetris is a fellow at Defense Priorities and a foreign affairs columnist for the Chicago Tribune. This article was published in the Chicago Tribune and distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency.

Until this weekend, the roughly 45,000 U.S. troops based in the Middle East were able to insulate themselves from the chaos of the region.

Granted, American service members in Iraq and Syria have been attacked more than 150 times by Iran-backed militias since October, but none of those attacks resulted in fatalities thanks to a combinatio­n of luck and antimissil­e defenses.

That all changed Sunday, when President Joe Biden broke the news that a drone attack on living quarters had killed three Americans and wounded more than 30. The attack occurred in northeaste­rn Jordan, a stone’s throw from the Syrian border, at a facility known as Tower 22, which has been used by U.S. forces for years to support U.S. operations in Syria.

The Pentagon is clear that an Iran-supported militia perpetrate­d the attack. War fever is gripping Washington, with longtime Iran hawks using last weekend’s tragedy as an opportunit­y to amplify their case for why the U.S. needs to hit Tehran directly.

Lawmakers such as U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton and John Cornyn have jumped on social media to recommend bombing Iran directly, despite the fact that the U.S. intelligen­ce community still doesn’t have a full picture of what exactly occurred and that Iran doesn’t have direct command and control over its proxies.

Even so, there is no doubt Biden will respond militarily. He was willing to retaliate after militia attacks that injured U.S. forces, and it’s a guarantee he will strike back now that Americans have been killed.

The U.S. bombed Kataib Hezbollah, one of these militias, just last week, destroying facilities in western Iraq and south of Baghdad.

The Iraqi government has been increasing­ly vocal about these U.S. precision strikes, lambasting them as a violation of Iraqi sovereignt­y that is chipping away at the U.S.-Iraq relationsh­ip.

The president intimated his

response a few hours after releasing his statement about the attack.

“We had a tough day last night in the Middle East. We lost three brave souls in an attack on one of our bases,” Biden said during a stop in South Carolina.

“And we shall respond.”

The debate inside the White House revolves around the scope and intensity of that response.

It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that U.S. retaliatio­n would be far broader than it was during last week’s U.S. strikes in Iraq, if only because of the loss of American lives.

Yet the extent of that response matters, for as much as Biden may have the legitimate urge to avenge the deaths of Americans, he also needs to be cognizant of the risk of escalation.

Preventing more escalation in the Middle East is purportedl­y a U.S. policy goal, so any U.S. military action that would undermine it would be self-defeating.

There is blood in the water right now. Emotions are raw — and after listening to some of the cavalier statements coming from Capitol Hill, we might assume that the U.S. is on the cusp of launching a war of choice against Iran.

But responsibl­e policymake­rs can’t afford to let hysteria rule the day. Emotion, whether it be fear, pride or anger, is a terrible basis for good policy.

So what should the U.S. do, exactly?

In this specific instance, there is no use debating whether the U.S. should use military power.

Judging by Biden’s words and those of his advisers, the decision

has already been made.

And military retaliatio­n is perfectly justifiabl­e: U.S. adversarie­s must understand that they can’t shoot at U.S. troops and not be held accountabl­e for it.

The U.S. strikes, however, must be proportion­ate. Militia arms depots, storage facilities and training grounds are all fair game.

But striking inside Iranian territory as so many knee-jerk armchair generals are clamoring for isn’t smart if your overall objective in the region is to stop the violence from spreading further.

Iran, of course, can’t compete with the U.S. in a full-fledged war; its convention­al military power is pathetic even by regional standards.

Yet Tehran does possess the largest missile arsenal in the region, with a range to strike U.S. bases in the Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. To believe the Iranians would simply roll over and take it on the chin after a U.S. attack would be naive at best and delusional at worst.

The U.S. killed one of Iran’s top generals in January 2020, and Tehran responded days later by sending more than a dozen ballistic missiles into a U.S. base in Iraq.

Notably, any U.S. military action should be accompanie­d with back channel diplomacy.

By “diplomacy,” I don’t necessaril­y mean negotiatio­ns but stern communicat­ion.

 ?? AFP-TNS ?? U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the St. John Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C., Jan. 28.
AFP-TNS U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the St. John Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C., Jan. 28.

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