The Korea Times

English education

- By Park Sun-yu Park Sun-yu is a ninth-grader at Godeok Middle School in Seoul.

One afternoon in 2024, students are studying English in an English academy. A Korean English teacher in one room asks students questions about English grammar. Most of the students who understand the question explain the concepts. Moreover, they apply it in solving questions. On the other hand, in the same classroom next year, a foreign teacher conducts the class. The foreign teacher also shows students an article and lets them talk about their thoughts. However, unlike the previous class, only a small number of students speak up. We can easily see this kind of scene in Korean English academies. It is because the English academies focus more on grammar and reading instead of speaking. So how did this come about?

Until the Korean Empire, speaking was the main focus in learning English. However, during the 191045 Japanese colonial era, Japan started becoming concerned with Korean education and Japanese-style English education spread to Korea, focusing more on grammar. When the Japanese colonial era ended in 1945, the culture remained in Koreans’ minds, and so did the English education system. Ultimately, Japanese-style English education did not vanish and was inherited in various styles and has become today’s Korean-style English education.

Also, English exams in Korea consist of grammar and reading. In contrast, there are only a few speaking tests. English academies must cater to this kind of English education system, so they reduce speaking lessons. Also, increasing dependence on private education makes this problem worse.

In 2018, the Siwon School app listed the world’s TOEFL test score that the Educationa­l Testing Service (ETS) had revealed. According to the status, Singapore got 98th and ranked first place in Asia. Also, countries such as India, Malaysia and the Philippine­s were placed in high ranks, and South Korea was ranked 75th. Evaluating Korea’s TOEFL test score in each area, English reading was in 22nd place, which was a high rank. In speaking, the country attained 122nd place.

Of course, there are problems with speaking-oriented education. Our grammar and reading skills could be diminished due to focusing only on speaking. Also, most TOEFL and TOEIC tests consist of listening, grammar and reading. There is a shortage of foreign teachers, as Yonhap News Agency reported that the number of foreign teachers in Korea decreased by 41.8 percent from 2012 to 2016.

Then, how can we kill two birds with one stone? First, create an environmen­t to immerse daily in English. For example, listening to English news and watching English channels can help. Next, read English books frequently. By reading them, you can develop listening, reading, grammar and writing skills simultaneo­usly. Lastly, acting as a character in some TV shows can also help you acquire practical English.

No one can refute that speaking is a characteri­stic of language. If you study only English grammar and reading, it cannot be said to be studying English. To leap into the world, the country and I must gain a foothold to leave the pond.

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