
2014 Mor noisLmHRLr OMficiHS HnnoyHncL’‘ Mor tLstLd Cup WorSd


subeach of ear the at placed device They level. sound the measured ject least, at caxirola, single a reported The ear. user’s the to threat no poses compawere levels pressure sound conversano­rmal a of that to rable lowdecibel­s 45 roughly and tion, they vuvuzela, the of those than er 30,000 take would it meaning -- said sound same the produce to caxirolas vuvuzela. single a as level pressure present may caxirola the However, disAfter problem. aerodynami­cs an caxirolas their hurled fans gruntled ASULO, Ln PDWFK D GuULnJ fiHOG WKH Rn IRU LnVWUuPHnW WKH EDnnHG RIfiFLDOV summer. last Cup Confederat­ions the preswill researcher­s university The AFRuVWLFDO WKH DW finGLnJV WKHLU HnW meetannual America’s of Society December. in Francisco San in ing IRU nRLVHPDNHU RIfiFLDO 7KH -- 83, unis Brazil in Cup World 2014 the determine to tests acoustic dergoing human the to level annoyance”“its at research The say. researcher­s ear, Santa of University Federal Brazil’s vuvuzela, the the after comes Maria loud a such created horn, plastic a 2010 the at play disrupted it noise anand Africa South in Cup World OrgaTV. on watching fans noyed inhave games Brazil the of nizers likemaraca- a caxirola, the troduced LnVWUuRIfi­FLDO LnWHnGHG WKH DV VKDNHU, Braby Invented event. the of ment it Brown, Carlinhos musician zilian than subdued more be to designed is asked researcher­s The vuvuzela. the the seen never had who volunteers 22 thought they as it play to instrument recording a while played, be should it

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