
clear for waiting Scientists healing hole ozone of signs


upEarth’s - Reuters so still is atmosphere per eat-ozone- with saturated will it that chlorine ing deanother about take a that evidence for cade on ban oldyear- 25- nearly chemdestru­ctive such scienworki­ng, is icals

said. tists the of recovery Full shields which layer, ozone harmsun’s the from Earth radiation, ultraviole­t ful 2070, around occur should Nascientis­t atmospheri­c with Kramarova, talya Space Goddard NASA’s Greenin Center Flight retold Maryland, belt, American the at porters con- Union Geophysica­l Francisco San in ference

week. last not do we Currently,“is hole ozone the that see It“said. she recovering,” apparent become should

2025.” in report Researcher­s varialarge puzzlingly the of size the in tions over hole ozone annual

Antarctica. example, for 2012 In the was hole ozone the reon smallest second posapparen­tly an cord, 1989 the that sign itive agreeProto­col Montreal for called which - ment Freof out phasing the damaging other and on or chlorofluo­rocarbons,

working. was - CFCs that say scientists But effects meteorolog­ical true hole’s the masked they before, year The size. hole ozone the out, point it as big as nearly was largest the 2006, in was

record. on desmall Currently,“ozoneof levels in clines are substances depleting show to small too far comin recovery, ozone year to year with parison Kramarovar­iability,”

said. va stratosphe­re the With de-ozone- with flush still size the chlorine, stroying over hole annual the of depen- more is Antarctica and temperatur­e on dent winds, atmospheri­c upper

said. scientists levels chlorine As anthe however, drop, over holes ozone nual consiswill Antarctica size, in decrease tently

said. they so got still We’ve“there up chlorine much area hole ozone the that on depend doesn’t just atmosphers­aid chlorine,” StraSusan scientist ic NASA’s with also han, Flight Space Goddard

Center. Monthe of result a As scientists Protocol, treal levels chlorine expected 5 about by decrease to

decade. this percent measuremen­ts Instead, aboard instrument­s from chlorine show satellites decrease or increase levels year, every percent 5 by

said. Strahan gradually is Chlorine but“said, she declining, - down road bumpy it’s higher, it’s years some lower.” it’s years some 2030s,mid- the By foreare levels chlorine lowpercent 20 be to cast levels, current than er consistent­ly to leading A holes. ozone smaller expected is recovery full 2090 and 2058 between around likely most and

said. scientists 2070,

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