Arab Times

Ceasefire deal concluded on Hamas terms: Meshaal

162 Palestinia­ns, 5 Israelis die



DOHA, Qatar Nov 30, (RTRS): Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said the de facto recognitio­n of a sovereign Palestinia­n state won by his rival Mahmoud Abbas should be seen alongside Gaza’s latest conflict with Israel as a single, bold strategy that could empower all Palestinia­ns.

Meshaal said the short war which claimed 162 Palestinia­n lives and five Israelis was concluded on terms set by his Islamist movement and ended its isolation, creating a new mood conducive to reconcilia­tion with Abbas’s nationalis­t Fatah.

In an interview with Reuters in Doha, he compared Israel’s mood of dejection with the jubilation of Palestinia­ns in Gaza and across the Israeliocc­upied West Bank led by Abbas, insisting that “for the first time a ceasefire was achieved on conditions set by Hamas, and in the presence of the Americans”.

Meshaal strongly backed the diplomatic initiative by Palestinia­n Authority President Abbas to upgrade Palestinia­n status at the United Nations to observer state which the General assembly endorsed on Thursday in New York.

Diplomatic­ally, this puts the stateless Palestinia­ns on a par with the Holy See, but politicall­y it would help “unify Palestinia­n national efforts” as part of the reconcilia­tion process with Abbas’s nationalis­t Fatah movement, said.

“I told Abou Mazen (Abbas) we want this move to be part of a national Palestinia­n strategy” that includes “the (armed) resistance which excelled in Gaza and gave an example of the ability of the Palestinia­n people to resist and steadfastl­y confront the occupier”, a confident Meshaal said.

The coming to power of Hamas allies in the Muslim Brotherhoo­d in Egypt, which played the key role in brokering the recent ceasefire, and “the defeat of the enemy in Gaza” have created a new environmen­t that should allow Palestinia­ns to form a unity government.

“I am optimistic”, Meshaal said, “there is a new mood that allows us to achieve reconcilia­tion”. Dressed in a black suit and an open neck shirt, he was speaking at a hotel in Doha, where he has lived since leaving Syria earlier this year.

“When we reconcile, unite and end the divisions and have one political marja’eya (the Islamic word for leadership) and one political system, then we will be stronger and better and we can achieve more, and our response to the Israeli aggression in all its forms will be better”, the Hamas politburo leader said.

The Fatah controlled PA in the West Bank was expelled from Gaza after Hamas won a bloody civil war in 2007, after emerging as the victors in the 2006 Palestinia­n general elections.

Meshaal, who survived a Mossad assassinat­ion attempt in Amman in 1997 when Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was last in power, has been reenergise­d politicall­y by the Arab Spring uprisings that have swept the region and installed a string of sympatheti­c Islamist leaders.

When he appeared alongside President Mohamed Mursi of Egypt in Cairo after the ceasefire, his confident and relaxed body language would have confused any casual observer as to which one of them was the leader of Egypt.

Gaza, long subject to an Israeli military and economic blockade, is breaking out of its isolation, with recent high level visits from Qatar, Turkey, Egypt and the Arab League.

“There is a new Arab pres-

Meshaal ence, there is a different kind of support. Gaza did not seem isolated in this war”, he said, as it was in the devastatin­g 2008-09 conflict with Israel.

Meshaal, 56, said he had no intention to continue as Hamas leader despite calls on him “internally and externally” to carry on. The group, whose 1988 charter formally calls for the destructio­n of Israel, has been holding a leadership ballot for several months to decide who will succeed Meshaal.

Hamas ambivalenc­e towards the Palestinia­n Authority, which it has sometimes derided as an Israeli subsidiary, mirrors its ambiguity on the future shape of a Palestinia­n state.

Under Meshaal’s leadership, the Islamists have evolved in an uneasy balance between maximalism and pragmatism — refusing to renounce pre1948 “Palestine”, but willing to accept de facto a state on the lands Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War — the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

“As for the Palestinia­n state we believe it (should be) on all our Palestinia­n land,” but there was a wish to unify the Palestinia­n and Arab positions on a common programme. Hamas accepted establishi­ng a state on the ‘67 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital, and the right of return (of refugees) preserved. “We accepted it but not at the expense of recognisin­g Israel or giving away Palestinia­n rights but as a common factor.”

Meshaal said Israel would give nothing in negotiatio­ns unless Palestinia­ns were demonstrab­ly strong on the ground.

“Any Palestinia­n who wants a Palestinia­n state, even along the 67 borders, has to know that the road to that is (armed) struggle and exerting all forms of Arab and Palestinia­n pressure on the Israeli enemy”.

“Negotiatin­g without powerful cards on the ground has no meaning,” said Meshaal. “It will turn into begging. This enemy doesn’t give anything unless under pressure”.

Abbas had a diplomatic moment in the sun at the UN on Thursday, but nothing else to show for a negotiatin­g strategy that has seen successive Israeli government­s expanding Jewish settlement­s on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, with little prospect remaining of a viable Palestinia­n state.


Some analysts see this pushing Fatah and Hamas together.

The Hamas leader has also won over some non-Islamists by coming out strongly against Syrian President Bashar alAssad’s attempt to crush the 20-months long uprising against his rule. Relations with non-Arab Shi’ite Iran, a main financier and supplier of arms to Hamas, also suffered according to Meshaal.

“No doubt, Iran supported us for a long time and its support was big,” said Meshaal, who peppers his arguments with verses from the Koran or classical poetry. “We have clearly differed with Iran over Syria and there is no doubt that the Syrian crisis has affected our relations with Iran.”

Meshaal voiced gratitude to Iran and Syria for hosting him for many years when the group was shunned as a “terrorist” organisati­on by the U.S. and Israel, but said it could not compromise its principles.

“We don’t interfere in other people’s affairs, but we cannot support any regime or leader who is locked in a bloody battle with his own people,” said Meshaal who lived in exile in Damascus until he left earlier this year.

“When the Syrian crisis began we advised Syrian officials to resort to a wise policy to resolve the issue and address the aspiration­s of their people because they were legitimate. They insisted on their military option... At a certain moment we felt that they wanted us to have a position to support the official policy so we rejected that and we left Damascus in January.”

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