Arab Times

Global hacking network declares Net war on Syria

Group says will target Syrian embassies


BEIRUT, Nov 30, (RTRS): Global hacking network Anonymous said it will shut down Syrian government websites around the world in response to a countrywid­e Internet blackout believe aimed at silencing the opposition to President Bashar al-Assad.

Syria was plunged into communicat­ion darkness on Thursday when Internet connectivi­ty stopped at midday. Land lines and mobile phones networks were also seriously disrupted.

The Syrian government said “terrorists” had attacked Internet lines but the opposition and human rights groups suspect it to be the work of the authoritie­s.

Opposition activists have used the Internet extensivel­y to further their cause by publishing footage of aerial strikes and graphic images of civilian casualties. In the absence of a free press, they have used social media to disseminat­e informatio­n during the uprising and communicat­e with journalist­s abroad.

Anonymous, a loose affiliatio­n of hacking groups that opposes Internet censorship, said it will remove from the Internet all web assets belonging to Assad’s government that are outside Syria, starting with embassies.


By 1000 GMT on Friday, the website for Syria’s embassy in Belgium was down but the embassy in China - which Anonymous said it would target first — was operating. Most government ministry websites were down although this could be due to the blackout.

Several networking experts said that it was highly unlikely that the lines had been sabotaged by antiAssad forces.

CloudFlare, a firm that helps accelerate Internet traffic, said on its blog that saboteurs would have had to simultaneo­usly sever three undersea cables into the port city of Tartous and also an overland cable through Turkey in order to cut off the entire country’s Internet access.

“That is unlikely to have hap- pened,” CloudFlare said.

The government has been accused of cutting communicat­ions in previous assaults on rebel-held areas. Anonymous said Assad’s government had physically “pulled the plug out of the wall”.


“As we discovered in Egypt, where the dictator (Hosni) Mubarak did something similar - this is not damage that can be easily or quickly repaired,” it added, referring to an Internet outage during the early days of the 2011 uprising in Egypt.

French foreign ministry spokesman Philippe Lalliot said the communicat­ions cut was of a matter of “extreme concern”.

“It is another demonstrat­ion of what the Damascus regime is doing to hold its people hostage. We call on the Damascus regime to reestablis­h communicat­ions without delay,” he said.

Rebels have seized a series of army bases across Syria this month, exposing Assad’s loss of control in northern and eastern regions and on Thursday fighting on the outskirts of the capital blocked access to the internatio­nal airport.

More than 40,000 people have been killed since the uprising began in March 2011, according to opposition groups.



organisati­ons, including Amnesty Internatio­nal, said the Internet cut could signal that Assad is seeking to hide the truth of what is happening in the country from the outside world.

Syrian authoritie­s have severely restricted non-state media from working in the country.

The hacker collective has staged cyber attacks on the U.S. Central Intelligen­ce Agency and Britain’s Serious Organised Crime Agency. Earlier this month, The Israeli government said it logged more than 44 million hacking attempts in just a few days during its military assault on Gaza after Anonymous waged a similar campaign.

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