Arab Times

GOP stepping in own way

‘We need to make changes’


WASHINGTON, Nov 30, (AP): After Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidenti­al election, Republican­s quickly identified one of their mistakes as the party’s dysfunctio­nal relationsh­ip with Hispanic voters, who overwhelmi­ngly voted for President Barack Obama. But the earliest efforts Republican lawmakers to tackle immigratio­n policy in Congress aren’t likely to win them new support among Hispanics.

The first immigratio­n-related bills offered by Republican­s this week would provide legal status for hundreds of thousands of young immigrants - but no way for them to become US citizens - and would eliminate the popular diversity lottery that randomly awards green cards to would-be immigrants from countries with low rates of immigratio­n to the United States. The two bills have virtually no chance at passage before the newly elected Congress takes over in January, but they are significan­t because they are the first on the legislativ­e agenda since the election.

Early reviews aren’t enthusiast­ic.

“We don’t see the writing on the wall,” said Lionel Sosa, a Texas Republican who served as a Hispanic media consultant for presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. “We don’t see that the electorate is changing and we need to make changes.”

Republican­s are offering some olive branches to Hispanic voters. Retiring Republican Sens Jon Kyl of Arizona and Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas introduced on Tuesday a narrowly tailored DREAM Act-like bill dubbed the Achieve Act. It offers visas for some young illegal immigrants who arrived before they turned 14 and are 28 or younger and are in the military or pursuing a college or technical degree, but it wouldn’t allow them any way to become citizens.

The DREAM Act, which narrowly passed the House before being defeated in the Senate two years ago, would offer citizenshi­p for young illegal immigrants. Such proposals have been derided as “amnesty” by Republican lawmakers - and by Romney, who promised he would veto the legislatio­n.

This week, House Republican­s are also considerin­g a bill that annually would give 55,000 new green cards, or permanent visas, to foreign students in science, technology, engineerin­g and math. The so-called STEM bill would also make it easier for those green card holders to be reunited with spouses or children living abroad. But it would eliminate the popular diversity lottery, and Democrats have argued that it actually would reduce overall legal immigratio­n.

Kyl, one of the bill’s sponsors, said the timing of the legislatio­n isn’t a political response to the election.

“We have to get the ball rolling,” he said.

Romney’s chief political strategist this week said the campaign’s biggest mistake was how it dealt with Hispanic voters. “We should have done a better job reach out to Hispanic voters,” Stuart Stevens said in an interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose on Thursday. “We should have done it earlier and in a more effective way.”

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