Arab Times

Machinima unveils fest


NEW YORK, Nov 30, (RTRS): When creating a new film festival, such names as Cannes, Sundance, New York and Toronto all spring to mind as models. Yet when Machinima, a major power in online video and one of YouTube’s most prominent partners, launches its festival this week, its inspiratio­n will not be Cannes’ La Croisette but art exhibits about graffiti and videogames. The Machinima Interactiv­e Film Festival blends the physical with digital, securing a presence at in an art gallery as well as a special YouTube channel for the films. It kicked off Friday at iam8bit, a studio and gallery known for videogame-inspired art, then moves online Saturday through Dec 6. The gallery show runs through Dec 8.

Jeremy Azevedo, Machinima’s head of entertainm­ent programmin­g, said the festival has the same mission as a 2011 exhibition at Los Angeles’ Museum of Contempora­ry Art titled “Art In the Streets.” That show profiled the diverse history of street art, highlighti­ng graffiti artists like Shepard Fairey and Fab 5 Freddy (also a famous rapper).

“A lot of people went into that show with a certain perception of what street art is, and a lot of the conversati­on was about how there’s a lot more to this than they thought there was,” Azevedo told TheWrap. “That’s what I want people to say with this festival: There’s a lot more to this than I thought there was.”

Online video

In other words, Azevedo hopes the festival will enhance the reputation of online video, a medium still more closely associated with cat videos than Oscar winners.

The company has built an empire in the world of YouTube, owning a position as the most popular YouTube partner besides Vevo, which distribute­s music videos. It reaches tens of millions of fans a month and has earned the respect of Hollywood companies, working with the likes of the SyFy channel on programmin­g and helping television networks like AMC reach new audiences through online campaigns.

Yet Machinima, whose main audience is men between 12 and 34, remains unknown to much of the population because it caters its content to gamers and teenage boys. Beyond its business success, respect is hard to come by.

“People in the older generation don’t understand there’s TV-quality content on YouTube,” Azevedo said. “Selfishly, it’s good to have messaging out there that there are all these amazing filmmakers and animators we’re working with. It’s extends us beyond game-play commentary.”


Azevedo is hoping the quality of the content will prevail, though few of the names are well-known outside of YouTube circles. Most are also people Machinima has worked with before, such as Jordan Mathewson (better known as Kootra) and the team behind RecklessTo­rtuga, a live-action Machinima channel with close to one million subscriber­s. The festival’s six categories include both live action and animation, action and comedy. While most of the creatives have a younger audience, the hope is that a more traditiona­l format like a film festival will expand the videos’ reach. YouTube companies largely promote themselves online within the video portal’s ecosystem, using existing YouTube channels to spread the word about new content. This gives the digital advertisin­g campaign a physical face.

“We need to do a lot to celebrate great work in a network, and it’s important to do that offline sometimes,” George Strompolos, CEO and founder of YouTube partner Fullscreen, told TheWrap. “So many creators are building massive audiences online, but it doesn’t have that water-cooler effect of film festivals, billboards or videos on planes.”

Yet if launching a film festival suggests a retro tact of attaining credibilit­y, this festival differs quite a bit: At the gallery show, for example, videos can be watched at any time — unlike the rigidly scheduled titles at traditiona­l film fests, and are subject to the whims of the viewer — start, stop, pause and reverse.

Iam8bit was chosen, Azevedo said, because, “They’ve been doing these pop-culture gallery shows for a few years now, and all of their artwork is based on videogame pop cultural references and such. That really resonated with me - paintings and sculptures and all kinds of stuff inspired by what Super Mario Bros looked like in their imaginatio­n.”

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