Arab Times

What’s on today


KTV 2 ON Election Day:

Winter 2012 AMIE exam: The AMIE Winter 2012 examinatio­ns will be held between December 01-07, 2012 as follows: Section A (Diploma) – Dec 1-4, 2012. Section A (Non-Diploma) – Dec 1-7, 2012. Section B – Dec 1-7, 2012. The last date for submission of examinatio­n applicatio­n Forms are given hereunder:

Candidates not appeared at Summer 2012 Exam: Aug 21 – Sept 21, 2012.

Candidates appeared at Summer 2012 Exam: Sept 21 – Oct 19, 2012.

Candidates intend to appear for the Winter 2012 examinatio­n must apply directly to Kolkata by filling the prescribed applicatio­n form along with requisite amount of demand draft in favour of The Institutio­n of Engineers (India), payable at Kolkata. The details of the examinatio­n is available at the website

Capitol Toastmaste­rs meet:


Salvation Army X’mas prog: 6.45 pm for 7 pm. Start ‘The Adventure of Christmas Time’ With Special Guests Majors Mark & Tracy Bearcroft at The Salvation Army Kuwait

Tracy is a former member of The English National Opera and has sung in theatres around the world and appeared on television-come hear her!

Start the seasonal adventure with carols, candles and celebratio­n at The Salvation Army Kuwait!

Venue: The Fellowship Hall, National

KWS to conduct education trip: Kokan Welfare Society (KWS) is please to announce that it is arranging an education trip for children of 3 years and above to Discovery Place in Kuwait Scientific Center today starting @ 9.00 am. We invite Kokani community members (residents of Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, and Thane in Kuwait) to participat­e in large numbers.

Parents can accompany their children and make it a family trip.

We request your participat­ion in this event and boost the scientific knowledge of children. We are sure the children will enjoy this gathering.

Please pass on this informatio­n to other Kokani families in your contacts in Kuwait or send their names with contact details to enable us contact them.

 ??  ?? To enhance the colour and add shine to red hair try adding 25 drops Carrot Essential Oil to your conditione­r.
In a medium-size bowl, mix together 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup room temperatur­e chamomile tea, 1/2 cup room temperatur­e water and...
To enhance the colour and add shine to red hair try adding 25 drops Carrot Essential Oil to your conditione­r. In a medium-size bowl, mix together 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup room temperatur­e chamomile tea, 1/2 cup room temperatur­e water and...
 ??  ?? Dendrobium is terrestria­l orchids from India and S.E.Asia to New Guinea, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. They have elongated, stem-like pseudobulb­s with linear or lance-shaped to ovate leaves. Flowers are borne in racemes, from nodes along the...
Dendrobium is terrestria­l orchids from India and S.E.Asia to New Guinea, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. They have elongated, stem-like pseudobulb­s with linear or lance-shaped to ovate leaves. Flowers are borne in racemes, from nodes along the...
 ??  ?? Evangelica­l Church of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf Road.
For more info phone: (+965) 65703764, E-mail: stewart_grinsted@mde.salvationa­
The Institutio­n of Engineers (India), Kuwait Chapter is pleased to announce that Winter 2012 AMIE Examinatio­n will...
Evangelica­l Church of Kuwait, Arabian Gulf Road. For more info phone: (+965) 65703764, E-mail: stewart_grinsted@mde.salvationa­ The Institutio­n of Engineers (India), Kuwait Chapter is pleased to announce that Winter 2012 AMIE Examinatio­n will...
 ??  ?? KUWAIT TV Channel 2 will be live from 8 am on Saturday, Dec 1, 2012 for exclusive all day coverage of the elections. The coverage commences with Adeeb Shuhaiber at 8am. KTV 2 is on OSN channel 561.
KUWAIT TV Channel 2 will be live from 8 am on Saturday, Dec 1, 2012 for exclusive all day coverage of the elections. The coverage commences with Adeeb Shuhaiber at 8am. KTV 2 is on OSN channel 561.
 ??  ?? Do you feel self-conscious or tonguetied to talk before people?
Do you find yourself repeating or having to explain what you just said?
Are you frequently dissatisfi­ed with the way you handle tasks?
You might need to work on improving your...
Do you feel self-conscious or tonguetied to talk before people? Do you find yourself repeating or having to explain what you just said? Are you frequently dissatisfi­ed with the way you handle tasks? You might need to work on improving your...
 ??  ?? sions, and eye contact. You will see how to build a message and inspire an audience.
Tickle your funny bone as you watch and perhaps even participat­e in our impromptu session of the evening.
Date: Today. Venue: Better Books, Salmiya, at 7:00 pm to...
sions, and eye contact. You will see how to build a message and inspire an audience. Tickle your funny bone as you watch and perhaps even participat­e in our impromptu session of the evening. Date: Today. Venue: Better Books, Salmiya, at 7:00 pm to...
 ??  ?? The Arab Times invites its readers to send season’s greetings to their friends, relatives and colleagues. These greetings must reach the Arab Times by 13:00 hours, Dec 24.
All the greetings will be published as a courtesy.
The greetings can be faxed...
The Arab Times invites its readers to send season’s greetings to their friends, relatives and colleagues. These greetings must reach the Arab Times by 13:00 hours, Dec 24. All the greetings will be published as a courtesy. The greetings can be faxed...

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