Arab Times

Pak church celebrates Xmas in Qaeda haven

Pastor welcomes parishione­rs in Waziristan church


SOUTH WAZIRISTAN, Pakistan Dec 24, (RTRS): This Christmas, pastor Nazir Alam will stoke up a fire, lay a fresh cloth on the altar and welcome parishione­rs as they arrive at his church in Waziristan, a Pakistani tribal area known as an al-Qaeda haven.

“The lights are all up, and the choir boys are ready. The church is looking its best,” said 60-year-old Alam, a former missionary who has celebrated his last ten Christmase­s there. “There’s not much left to do but to pray and rejoice.”

Outsiders might see little cause for joy. Pakistan is the sixth most dangerous country in the world for minorities, says London-based watchdog Minority Rights Group Internatio­nal. Christians, Shiite Muslims and Ahmadis are victims of a rising tide of deadly attacks.

But Alam’s church, and the homes of most of his 200 parishione­rs, are nestled inside a Pakistani army base in South Waziristan, a mountainou­s region that was a hotbed of militancy until a military offensive in 2009.

“When the U.S. went into Kabul, things became bad for everyone. But we are safe here. The army protects us,” says Shaan Masih, who helps clean the church and likes to play the drums and sing carols.

For two decades, the church was little more than a room and the tiny community worshipped there under light protection. In 2009, the army set up a base in South Waziristan as part of the offensive against the insurgency and invited the church inside.

“It was a longstandi­ng demand of the community to be given a proper space,” Col. Atif Ali, a military officer, told Reuters during a rare trip to the region arranged by the mili- tary.

Many of the Christians work for the army in clerical or domestic positions. So far, they have been sheltered from the bombings, raids and drone strikes, violence that rocks the region on an almost daily basis.

Less than a 100 miles away (160 km) lies North Waziristan on the border with Afghanista­n and one of the last areas controlled by the Pakistani Taliban.

The United States has repeatedly urged Pakistan to launch an operation against militants sheltered there including remnants of al Qaeda and Pakistani groups targeting the nation’s minorities. Pakistan says it is doing everything it can to fight the militancy and needs to consolidat­e the campaign in South Waziristan before opening a new front.

The small blue and white church building has been freshly painted and the main hall covered in new ceramic tiles. A small chandelier hangs from the ceiling and a cloth spread over the altar reads: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

The church’s gratitude to the army is expressed in a sign outside thanking Ali for his help with the renovation.

“Now it is much easier and convenient for them to worship. The new building is close to their homes. They are very happy with us,” he said.

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