Arab Times

Opposition will decide Indian government’s fate

Sonia’s scuffle in parliament


NEW DELHI, Dec 24, (RTRS): Sonia Gandhi, the usually reserved and poised leader of India’s ruling Congress party, leapt from her front-bench seat in parliament last week to grab back a document that a lawmaker had snatched from a government minister’s hands.

She caught the lawmaker by the arm, some media reports said, but failed to retrieve the document before it was torn up. Aminor scuffle ensued between members of Congress and the offending lawmaker’s Samajwadi Party (SP).

The extraordin­ary drama lasted less than a minute.


But it illustrate­d the vulnerabil­ity of a government that, now reduced to a minority in parliament, depends for its survival on unreliable allies like the SP. Not only will they hamper further economic reform, they could bring the government down and trigger a general election before it is due in 2014.

“It is in their hands to force an election,” said M.J. Akbar, editor-in-chief of the Sunday Guardian.

The SP, a powerful regional party from India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, often votes with the Congress party but it was enraged by the government’s support for a bill promoting affirmativ­e action for low castes. The measure had been sought by the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), another government ally but a bitter rival of the SP in Uttar Pradesh.

After the SP disrupted parliament for days over the measure, which it fears would disadvanta­ge its many Muslim supporters, the SP lawmaker resorted to desperate tactics, grabbing the bill from the minister as he tried to bring it to a vote. It worked. Parliament adjourned until February without passing it.

The government is effectivel­y tethered to two parties that are sworn enemies and whose efforts to outmanoeuv­re each other and win votes in the run-up to 2014 have the potential to bring down Singh’s coalition, although analysts agree that right now neither party wants early elections.

“The Congress wants to stay in power and the other two want proximity to power so it is opportunis­t politics for all three,” said Basudeb Acharia, a senior lawmaker from the leftwing Communist Party of India (Marxist).

The battle between the two parties over the bill left Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with no time to drive through further reforms, including measures to open up the insurance and pension industries to more foreign investment, before the session ended. It showed for the first time just how reliant Singh is on the SP and BSP to govern a country of 1.2 billion people after a major ally walked out of his coalition in September, wiping out its parliament­ary majority.

“India is very dependent on them,” political scientist Sudha Pai said. “The government has a good chance to push reforms but a lot will depend on how they manage the two parties.”


Presiding over a slowing economy, high inflation and a government accused of corruption, Singh is under pressure to show results before the general election, so he cannot afford a repeat of the largely unproducti­ve winter parliament­ary session. The SP’s and BSP’s control over nearly one-tenth of the 787 seats in the two houses of parliament combined, and the ease with which they change positions on policy, give them the clout to create political instabilit­y and economic uncertaint­y.

The SP is led by Mulayam Singh Yadav, 72, a former wrestler who harbours prime ministeria­l ambitions. He opposes many of the government’s economic reforms but supports Singh’s coalition to block the rise of the Hindu nationalis­t Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main opposition in parliament.

The BSP is led by Mayawati, 56, a former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh who goes by only one name and is as famous for building sandstone statues of herself and for her love of designer shoes as she is for championin­g the cause of India’s Dalits, who are on the lowest rung of India’s caste hierarchy. She has also opposed many of the economic reforms.

Prime Minister Singh has reason to be wary of both leaders.

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