Arab Times

Fracking war comes to Hollywood

Pro and anti-drilling camps trade barbs for cameras


NEW YORK, Dec 24, (RTRS): Not so long ago, fracking was a technical term little known beyond the energy industry. Now it’s coming to Hollywood, as the fierce battle between environmen­talists and oil firms is played out in several forthcomin­g films.

Hydraulic fracturing, the controvers­ial drilling technique also known as fracking, has lifted US energy output dramatical­ly, despite warnings from critics who fear it pollutes water deep undergroun­d.

Any shift in public opinion could impact policy — and huge sums in energy spending — since drilling regulation­s are under review by the Obama administra­tion and local officials around the country. The high stakes involve a range of issues from US energy independen­ce, to protection of drinking water.

Both sides are using movies to try to win the debate, though actor Matt Damon says viewers should not assume the movie he stars in, “Promised Land,” is “a rabid antifracki­ng polemic.”

In the film, Damon plays a gas company landman — an agent who buys or leases land — intent on drilling beneath a town where some residents are concerned about the perils of fracking. As the landman gets to know the townspeopl­e, he suffers a crisis of conscience.

In an interview in Los Angeles, Damon said he worries that viewers will wrongly assume the film is onesided and not see it. He declined to offer his personal view on fracking. “That’s not the point. The point is that (the film) should start a conversati­on.”

The Northern Irish director Phelim McAleer’s documentar­y, “FrackNatio­n,” is an unabashedl­y pro- drilling mantra set to air next month on AXS TV, the cable network controlled by Dallas Mavericks owner and media mogul Mark Cuban.

McAleer views fracking as “the best thing ever,” a potential savior for the US economy, unless the forces he likes to call “Big Enviro” succeed in derailing it.

On the other side of the argument, HBO, the cable pay channel, could air a sequel to “Gasland,” a scathing 2010 documentar­y from director Josh Fox, as early as next year.


The original film featured scenes of tap water erupting into flames and mobilized environmen­tal groups against fracking, drawing full-throated rebuttals from an oil industry that says the process has never caused water problems.

Fox declined comment for this article.

Amid the showdown, both industry and anti-fracking camps have mounted major campaigns to sway hearts and minds.

“It could become the biggest environmen­tal debate of our time,” said Robert McNally, an energy policy expert and former White House adviser under George W. Bush. “Hollywood is taking notice, and the industry will have its work cut out for it to defend fracking.”

Nearly four out of ten Americans surveyed by the Pew Research Center early this year said they knew nothing about fracking. Other polls show most Americans familiar with the practice believe fracking offers economic benefits but requires tougher regulation.

This year, for the first time, US online searches for the term “fracking” became more popular than “climate change,” Google data showed. Fracking has doubled on Google’s popularity index since last year, and while “global warming” still draws more hits, the gap is narrowing.

Drinking water contaminat­ion is the leading environmen­tal concern among Americans, according to Gallup polling data. A Bloomberg National Poll this month showed that 66 percent of Americans want more fracking regulation, up from 56 percent in September.

Whether “Promised Land” will shift public opinion is uncertain. But films with environmen­tal themes often can, according to Joseph Cappella, a professor of communicat­ions at the University of Pennsylvan­ia.

Past examples include Al Gore’s “An Inconvenie­nt Truth” on climate change, and “Erin Brockovich,” a dramatizat­ion of real events in which actress Julia Roberts played a legal clerk who uncovers water contaminat­ion by a California power company.

Ahead of the release of “Promised Land,” some within the oil industry are already reading the film’s script online.


“Look, I don’t want to whistle past the graveyard. This film is going to be a challenge, and we’ll just have to see how it does on opening weekend,” said Chris Tucker of pro-drilling group Energy In Depth (EID), which is funded by industry. “In terms of populariza­tion of the issue, it will have an effect.”

The oil industry wants to avoid another blow like the one it took from Fox’s 2010 “Gasland” film. Google search data shows online interest in fracking surged immediatel­y after- wards.

For three years, Tucker has been working with other communicat­ions experts, “pounding the zone with facts” to counter what he calls false claims in “Gasland” and to promote drilling.

Films like “Promised Land” will get people curious and send them searching online, said Tucker, where he worries the term ‘fracking’ gets a bad rap. “People will go home and Google it, and the other side does really well on Google,” he said.

EID released its own pro-drilling film, “Truthland,” this year, dubbing it “the factual alternativ­e to Gasland.”

In some ways, the film blitz may be behind the times. Fracking has already come to dominate US drilling over the last half-decade: Onshore rigs doing so-called unconventi­onal drilling account for nearly two-thirds of the total.

Tucker and industry officials are regulars at conference­s, in newspaper op-ed articles, and on TV to defend drilling.

On the environmen­talist side, Fox travels widely to lead anti-fracking rallies, sometimes rousing crowds by playing a banjo, which is also featured in the Gasland soundtrack. He has enlisted help from artists including Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon.

“The lesson of ‘Gasland’ is that public perception is a very big part of the equation,” said Jonathan Wood, a political risk analyst at London-based Control Risks, whose clients include oil companies.

In a report this month, Wood wrote that the industry has “largely failed to appreciate social and political risks, and has repeatedly been caught off guard by the sophistica­tion, speed and influence of anti-fracking activists.”

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