Arab Times

Canada’s CSIS ‘warned’ about China takeover

Govt draws up tough rules


OTTAWA, Dec 24, (RTRS): In September, two months after China’s state-owned CNOOC Ltd made an unexpected $15.1 billion bid for Canadian energy company Nexen Inc, Canada’s spy agency told ministers that takeovers by Chinese companies may threaten national security.

The rare warning from the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service (CSIS), which was disclosed to Reuters by intelligen­ce sources, did not stop the takeover. That was approved by Canadian authoritie­s earlier this month.

But the interventi­on and an influentia­l US lawmaker’s warning in October that Canadian companies should be careful about doing business with Chinese telecom equipment companies Huawei Technologi­es Co and ZTE Corp made the approval process for the deal more difficult than initially expected.

“CSIS did not like the Nexen bid and thought it was a bad idea for Chinese firms to be investing in the oil sands. It all played into their greater fears about firms like Huawei,” said one person familiar with the agency’s concerns. “They do not want to wake up one day and realize a crucial sector of the economy is under the control of foreign interests.”


And after listening to the spy service, which usually keeps a low profile, Canada drew up surprising­ly tough foreign investment rules that were unveiled when approving the Nexen deal, China’s biggest-ever successful foreign takeover. In a clampdown on companies it deems influenced by foreign government­s, Canada will block similar purchases in the future.

CSIS has been silent about what it said to Ottawa on the Nexen transactio­n, and it declined to comment for this story. It didn’t specifical­ly recommend the CNOOC deal be blocked, but rather warned more generally about such deals with Chinese entities, the person said.

In reality, the government was unlikely to want to block the CNOOC bid, given a high-profile push by Prime Minister Stephen Harper earlier in the year to boost ties with China, and given that a lot of Nexen’s assets are outside Canada, and it has underperfo­rmed other energy companies.

By pushing back aggressive­ly, CSIS ensured that it got foreign investment policy tightened significan­tly to deter similar such takeovers by companies under the sway of foreign government­s.

“I think people at CSIS and elsewhere are going ‘Good. That was a very good response by the government’,” said Ray Boisvert, a former CSIS assistant director of intelligen­ce, who retired this year after almost three decades at the agency.

“It did reflect some of those deep strategic concerns that practition­ers have had about this kind of investment.”

Specific worries include theft of Canadian intellectu­al property, espionage, computer hacking and foreign companies gaining too much influence over crucial sectors of the economy, said the person familiar with the agency’s views.

The government could, in theory, nationaliz­e assets if it thought foreign control was problemati­c. But the probusines­s Conservati­ves would likely find it politicall­y unpalatabl­e to take such a step.

“To be blunt, Canadians have not spent years reducing the ownership of sectors of the economy by our own government­s, only to see them bought and controlled by foreign government­s instead,” Harper said as he announced the new investment rules.

In October, the US House of Representa­tives’ Intelligen­ce Committee urged US firms to stop doing business with Huawei and another Chinese telecom equipment company ZTE on the grounds that Beijing could use products made by the two companies to spy.


The House Intelligen­ce Committee’s chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican, urged Canada to take a similar stance, and two days later, the Canadian government indicated it would not let Huawei help build a secure government communicat­ions network because of possible security risks.

“The Huawei business caused a lot of political complicati­ons for the CNOOC bid,” another person familiar with the CNOOC deal said of the US committee’s report.

Both Huawei and ZTE have repeatedly denied the allegation­s in the report, and China’s foreign ministry dismissed as “baseless” the idea that security concerns could impede commercial ties.

“We hope that the relevant party can objectivel­y and justly treat Chinese companies’ overseas investment and cooperatio­n plans, and stop actions which harm Chinese companies’ image and do more to benefit the promotion of bilateral trade and business cooperatio­n,” said ministry spokeswoma­n Hua Chunying.

In its annual report, released in September, CSIS noted risks that included espionage and illegal technology transfers, and said some foreign state-owned enterprise­s had “pursued opaque agendas or received clandestin­e intelligen­ce support for their pursuits” in Canada.

The agency did not give details, but added: “When foreign companies with ties to foreign intelligen­ce agencies or hostile government­s seek to acquire control over strategic sectors of the Canadian economy, it can represent a threat to Canadian security interests.”

CSIS, hit by controvers­y in 2010 after its head suggested China had too much influence over some Canadian provincial politician­s, did not mention any country or firm in its report.

It is unclear how much, if any, influence the United States had on the Canadian authoritie­s’ foreign investment policy.

Fen Hampson, head of the global security program at the Centre for Internatio­nal Governance Innovation in Waterloo, Ontario, said he had learned that a US official visited Ottawa in the last few months to discuss mutual concerns about foreign state-owned enterprise­s.

US Ambassador David Jacobson told Reuters he was not aware of such a meeting, but he noted that officials from the two countries met constantly. “I would be surprised if almost any issue you could think of has not come up in one or more of those conversati­ons,” he said. “The United States has not sought to influence Canada’s decision with respect to that (CNOOC’s bid)... We respect that decision.”

The Canadian government did not respond to a request for a comment.

Chinese companies have bought up smaller Canadian energy firms before, but the July 23 bid for Nexen was their first attempt to buy one of the larger players.

Nexen has assets in Canada, the North Sea, Nigeria and the Gulf of Mexico. Technology that Nexen and its partners use for deep sea drilling could interest CNOOC.

Asked about the CSIS concerns, a spokeswoma­n for Industry Minister Christian Paradis replied: “The government has the authority to take any measures it considers necessary to protect national security.”

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