Arab Times

Kitesurfer­s ride new winds in Libya

Sport thrives after Gaddafi’s ouster


TRIPOLI, Dec 24, (AFP): Neon crescents twirl over the sheltered waters of Tripoli’s main port, one of the hangouts of Libya’s growing kitesurfin­g community, thriving after the ouster of dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Jalal Elwalid dashes out towards the marina’s stone walls riding a turbulent 12-knot wind. A gust propels his kite higher and he hangs suspended head-over-heels above the horizon for a magic stretch of seven seconds.

The 39-year-old became Libya’s first certified kitesurfin­g instructor this year and more than 25 students have signed up to learn the sport since he opened the doors of his school in March.

“We come out and play whenever there is wind,” said his brother Merwan, 37, a sports photograph­er and kitesurfer decked out in a full body wetsuit, bright shorts and sharp sunglasses.

The pair first saw kitesurfin­g on television back in 2008.

They gradually learned everything from the basic techniques of how to handle a kite on shore to how to pull off advanced 360 jumps in the water by watching other riders on YouTube.

“We would watch the clips and then try it ourselves,” said Jalal.

Two years later they founded Wind Friends, a small core of kitesurfin­g aficionado­s who discovered a suitable hideout for training in the isolated island of Farwa, near Tunisia, where the sport is also practised.

Kitesurfin­g, a hybrid sport mixing the techniques of kiting and wakeboardi­ng, is considered the world’s fastest growing extreme sport and it is quickly gaining ground in Libya where it draws foreigners and locals alike.

It was expected to debut as an Olympic sport in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro games, but the decision was overturned last month by the Internatio­nal Sailing Federation which opted to keep windsurfin­g at the price of kitesurfin­g which is also known as kiteboardi­ng.

Watersport­s in Libya, a Mediterran­ean country boasting a 1,770-kilometre coastline (1,106 miles) and almost 365 days of sunshine, were woefully underdevel­oped during the Gaddafi regime, although there was a sailing federation in place.

“The government didn’t give a chance to watersport­s,” said Khaled Etaleb, a heart surgeon who learned kiteboardi­ng in neighbouri­ng Tunisia because there were no training facilities in his own country.

“Extreme, individual, luxury sports were not accepted,” he added, stressing that the few clubs that existed in Libya were monopolise­d by those with ties to Gaddafi and his clan rather than passionate practition­ers.

One of the greatest challenges during the previous regime, recalled the 41-year-old father of two, was importing the equipment and finding a windy spot to ride the waves in peace, without attracting security services.

Kites, which range from 12 to 16 square metres, are easily confused with parachutes and the novel gadget would trigger a barrage of questions from port authoritie­s and other minders.

Merwan still chuckles at such memories: “They just had no clue what it was.”

His friend Ahmed Husnein tells the story of how one windsurfer in the group was detained overnight at the port because security services believed he was making “an escape” with his small board and flashy sail.

“We’d always be chased away by the security guards — wherever we went they would tell us it was a security zone,” said Etaleb.

Husnein snuck his sail into Libya saying it was a floating device for kids.

The main barrier of entry into the sport these days is money, with a full kit costing in the vicinity of $2,000 (1,500 euros), although cheaper second-hand equipment is typically recommende­d for accident prone beginners.

Wind Friends is trying to strike commercial deals to help subsidise the sport.

With the fall of Gaddafi’s regime last year, the winds have changed and the group is now free to explore the whole Libyan coastline.

The port and the suburb of Garabuli near Tripoli are their midweek go to spots, while Farwa remains the favourite weekend destinatio­n.

“Now we have the chance to go anywhere,” said a jubilant Etaleb, the heart surgeon.

 ??  ?? In this file photo, Libyans practise kitesurfin­g off the coast of Tripoli on Dec 8. Neon crescents twirl over the sheltered waters of Tripoli’s main port, one of the hangouts of Libya’s growing kitesurfin­g community,
thriving after the ouster of...
In this file photo, Libyans practise kitesurfin­g off the coast of Tripoli on Dec 8. Neon crescents twirl over the sheltered waters of Tripoli’s main port, one of the hangouts of Libya’s growing kitesurfin­g community, thriving after the ouster of...

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