Arab Times

Honey ups quality of life and longevity

Helps fight obesity, diabetes

- By Mia Ponzo Special to the Arab Times


there has been a lot of buzz around the health world about certain natural remedies. One remedy in particular that has been given a lot of attention lately is a supposed “miracle” remedy that consists of using honey and cinnamon together. The talk is that it is so effective that it can even cure cancer! After reading several non-scholarly articles in this regard, I decided to look into this issue further, but from a scholarly viewpoint. After all, if the science doesn’t back up the claims, what is the point of the talk?

After looking into several scientific studies that have been done some interestin­g recurrent results were found. Although there was little science about using honey and cinnamon together, there were a lot of studies that looked at using both honey and cinnamon individual­ly. This was interestin­g because of the potential of both, and of course, of using them together, by common sense.

Honey and cinnamon have been used together for centuries as a folkloric natural medicament for many different ailments, and, as we know, many, if not most, of the old fashioned natural remedies have more than just a smidgeon of truth in them. People of different cultures and time can’t all be wrong.


So, let’s look at what has been discovered. There are many studies that have been done on honey alone. They have found a good amount of potentiall­y great evidence that taking a little honey can help increase the immune system overall. It was also found that honey seems to help reduce the serum cholestero­l, decreasing the bad cholestero­l and helping to raise the good cholestero­l.

It was also found that honey helps reduce sinus inflammati­on and infection and even the likelihood that allergies will occur. In fact, according to one study, honey was effective in reducing the “Body Mass Index” (BMI), which is good news for people who are suffering from obesity.

Honey has been found to be highly effective in helping to heal wounds, particular­ly when dealing with diabetic patients, who normally have difficulty healing, in general. It was also found to be effective with the overall antimicrob­ial activity, thus potentiall­y making honey good for any type of bacterial infections, both externally and internally.

One interestin­g result of scientific studies is that honey can be highly effective against the common results of radiation and chemical therapy (which is mostly done for cancer treatment), including oral ulcers, and other issues, including skin issues brought on by radiation therapy and similar treatments. Another issue that was brought up in one study was about the possibilit­y that honey can be effective against H Pylori, which is a common problem in people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers. Additional­ly, honey seems to be effective against Candida, which is a problem that many people face today.

Honey was also found to have potential with regard to general antioxidan­t activity, which is good news to anyone trying to fight the effects of aging and other health issues. As we all know, antioxidan­ts are good for practicall­y every aspect of our health, including tumor activity, arthritis, digestive issues, heart issues and more. It was found in at least one study that honey has a potential DNA protecting activity, which is another antioxidan­t benefit that would help fight free radicals (with all the pollution around us, this is a really great benefit).


Another interestin­g study showed some potentiall­y good results with regard to the use of honey in helping to reduce diabetes. This is particular­ly interestin­g because of the fact that honey is high in carbohydra­te content, yet still seems to be effective in some way to diabetics. (If you wish to try using honey for diabetes, just make sure that your intake of honey remains minimal, and it is probably preferable to take it while having some kind of protein).

For coughs, many studies have been done, and honey has been shown to be very effective against coughs, even in children. In fact, using honey for coughs, according to the studies, seems to be even more effective than any presently known cough medicine on the market today. That is really an interestin­g finding.

One very interestin­g study that I found showed that the use of honey in the diet promoted lower stress or anxiety responses and better overall weight results (again, another reference to the BMI) in laboratory rats. This could easily translate into humans, which could support the claim that people have been making for centuries about how honey increases longevity and improves quality of life.

It was quite interestin­g too, that honey of all sorts seemed to give these amazing benefits, which is good for people on lower budgets. These people could more easily afford lower priced more “ordinary” types of honey, and wouldn’t need the more expensive types that are normally promoted for health uses, although, certainly, honey bees feeding on pollens from medicinal plants would create honey with additional health benefits as well.

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