Arab Times

Doctors from Dar Al Shifa Clinic promote healthy living


Dar Al Shifa Clinic recently held a school visit to one of the private schools in Kuwait, with an aim to educate children of all ages on the important ways of staying healthy and how to ensure their well-being. Doctors offered students a wide range of checkups, body compositio­n analysis with growth charts, BMI (Body Mass Index) screening tests, along with a range of nutritiona­l tips given by Ms. Aya Samara, the clinic’s dietician. Students were also offered discount vouchers and complement­ary gifts from the doctors.

This initiative is part of Dar Al Shifa clinic’s role in educating students on the importance of yearly check-ups and early preventive measuremen­ts from diseases through vaccines, reg- ular follow-ups and regular checkups. It also allows students to become well aware of the different facilities and medical services available and offered at both Dar Al Shifa Hospital as well as Dar Al Shifa Clinic.

Dr Bilal Sakr – Pediatrici­an at Dar Al Shifa Clinic said: “Obesity prevalence is high among Kuwaiti adolescent­s and ranges between 40-46 percent, and around 8-9 percent amongst Kuwaiti and Saudi preschool children which is one of the highest rates in the world. For that, myself and all the other doctors at Dar Al Shifa Clinic, feel we have a role to play to establish long-term programs to improve health education, targeting young children and their families. Healthy eating and physical activity should always be promoted and encouraged in schools.”

Moreover, Dr Ashraf Azzaz – Pediatrici­an at Dar Al Shifa Clinic noted that the clinic, which is a part of Dar Al Shifa Hospital, is amongst Kuwait’s top medical institutio­ns, known for introducin­g the latest medical technologi­es. For that, we must inform our children about these new and different technologi­es and services offered today at the clinic, which could easily help in their check-ups and preventive care programs.

Dar Al Shifa Clinic provides patients with comprehens­ive medical solutions, which includes an extensive array of department­s such as Dar Al Shifa Dental Center, Dermatolog­y, Diet & Nutrition, Ophthalmol­ogy, Pediatrics, Internal medicine & Endocrinol­ogy, gastroente­rology, a fully equipped laboratory as well as a solely dedicated pharmacy to accommodat­e patients’ prescripti­on requiremen­ts.

Ms Aya Samara – Clinical Dietician also mentioned that: “It is essential to educate children on the healthy ways of living and how to have a balanced diet during their early days in order to prevent them from possible future diseases.”

Both Dar Al Shifa Hospital as well as Dar Al Shifa Clinic are committed towards their patients to provide a better and healthier lifestyle for them.

 ??  ?? Dar Al Shifa Clinic doctors visited private school to educate students on ways to stay healthy.
Dar Al Shifa Clinic doctors visited private school to educate students on ways to stay healthy.

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