Arab Times

Syrian airstrike kills 18 people

Journalist­s freed


BEIRUT, April 13, (Agencies): A Syrian government airstrike on a town in the country’s northwest killed at least 18 people Saturday, shattering store fronts, setting cars ablaze and sending a giant plume of black and gray smoke over the horizon.

President Bashar Assad’s air force has been one of his biggest assets in the 2-year-old civil war and he has used warplanes and helicopter­s to try to check rebel advances, although the regime also frequently hits civilian areas.

A Human Rights Watch report this week accused the Syrian government of committing war crimes by using indiscrimi­nate and sometimes deliberate airstrikes against civilians, killing at least 4,300 people since the summer.

Saturday’s air raid struck the town of Saraqeb in Idlib province, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights activist group. The Observator­y said four of the 18 people killed in the attack were members of the same family. Many others were wounded and the death toll was expected to rise, the Observator­y said.


Amateur videos posted online showed a giant plume of black smoke, and people in cars and on motorbikes racing to help the wounded. A group of men could be seen carrying a wounded man covered in gray dust. Another man in the video rushes with a bucket of water to help extinguish cars in flames. Rubble and twisted metal litter the street.

The video appeared genuine and correspond­ed to other reporting by The Associated Press of the events depicted.

Rebels have wrested much of the countrysid­e of Idlib and other provinces in northern Syria from regime forces, although government troops still control many military bases in the region from which they launch attacks — including airstrikes — on opposition-held areas.

South of Saraqeb, Syrian government troops trying to relieve a besieged military base ambushed a rebel checkpoint, killing at least 12 opposition fighters.

The Observator­y said the government forces surprised the rebel fighters on the outskirts of the village of Baboulein. The Observator­y, which relies on a network of local activists on the ground, said many opposition fighters were also wounded in the attack.

Observator­y director Rami Abdul-Rahman said the assault was part of government efforts to resupply the embattled military base at Wadi Deif outside of the town of Maaret alNuman, which is just north of Baboulein on the Damascus-Aleppo highway.

Rebels have been trying for months to capture the large base at Wadi Deif, from which regime troops regularly pound the now largely abandoned town of Maaret al-Numan with artillery fire. The regime must push convoys through rebel-held territory to prevent the base

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 ??  ?? Japanese Emperor Akihito (right), and Empress Michiko dance during a dinner party for a charity in Tokyo,
April 12. (AP)
Japanese Emperor Akihito (right), and Empress Michiko dance during a dinner party for a charity in Tokyo, April 12. (AP)

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