Arab Times

Iraqi forces cast ballots ahead of provincial polls

At least a dozen hopefuls have been killed


BAGHDAD, April 13, (AFP): Iraqi soldiers and policemen cast their ballots for provincial elections on Saturday, a week ahead of the main vote that comes amid an uptick in violence and a long-running political crisis.

The credibilit­y of the elections, the first since March 2010 parliament­ary polls, has been drawn into question following deadly attacks on candidates and a government decision to partly postpone voting that means only 12 of Iraq’s 18 provinces will take part.

At least a dozen election hopefuls have been killed while others have been wounded or kidnapped in the run-up to the polls. Although security has markedly improved since the height of Iraq’s confession­al conflict, March was still the deadliest month since August, according to AFP figures.

More than 8,000 candidates are standing in the elections, with 378 seats on provincial councils up for grabs. An estimated 16.2 million Iraqis are eligible to vote, among them about 650,000 members of the security forces. “We have done our duty, and now we hope that they (candidates) will do their duty also,” said federal police Colonel Abbas Kadhim, who cast his ballot in west Baghdad.

“We wish that they will fulfil the hopes of the Iraqi people.”

Election centres where voting was completed closed at 5:00 pm (1400 GMT), although those where security forces were still waiting to vote could remain open later, an official from Iraq’s Independen­t High Electoral Commission (IHEC) said.

Voters persistent­ly complain about poor basic services such as electricit­y and sewerage, rampant corruption and high unemployme­nt.

The latest elections come with the country mired in a political crisis that has pitted Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki against several of his erstwhile national unity cabinet partners, and amid more than three months of anti-government protests by the country’s Sunni Arab minority.

The polls are seen as a key barometer of Maliki’s popularity ahead of parliament­ary elections next year.

The premier has battled allegation­s from his opponents of monopolisi­ng power, and little in the way of landmark legislatio­n has been passed by parliament, but Maliki insists he is attempting to make the most out of an unruly coalition.

Provincial councils are responsibl­e for nominating governors who take charge of the provinces’ administra­tion, finances and reconstruc­tion projects.

The police also ostensibly fall under provincial remit, but the federal government has typically held sway over security matters.

Six provinces will not vote in the polls — the three of the autonomous Kurdistan region, the disputed northern province of Kirkuk, and two Sunni-majority provinces where authoritie­s say security cannot be guaranteed.

Meanwhile, bomb attacks on Sunni Muslim worshipper­s in Baghdad and north of the Iraqi capital killed 12 people on Friday, officials said, the latest in an uptick in violence ahead of provincial polls next week.

In the deadliest single blast, a roadside bomb struck after prayers at the Omar bin Abdul Aziz mosque, in the town of Kanaan in restive Diyala province, a police colonel and a doctor said.

Overall, 12 people were killed and 30 others wounded, the sources said.

Two more bombings, in Baghdad and another town in Diyala, one near a Sunni mosque and the other as Sunni worshipper­s were returning from mid-day prayers, wounded seven people.

Also on Friday, police near the main northern city of Mosul found the corpses of two policemen and a soldier, all three with gunshot wounds to the head and chest. The group had been kidnapped a day earlier.

Iraq is to hold provincial elections on April 20, its first polls since 2010.

Attacks on candidates have left at least a dozen election hopefuls dead, according to an AFP tally. That, and the fact that only 12 of Iraq’s 18 provinces will vote due to a government postponeme­nt, has raised questions over the credibilit­y of the polls.

They come with the country mired in a political crisis that has pitted Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki against several of his erstwhile national unity cabinet partners, and after more than three months of anti-government protests by the Sunni Arab minority.

Violence killed 271 Iraqis last month, the highest monthly figure since August, according to an AFP tally.

 ??  ?? An Iraqi army commando casts his ballot for the provincial elections at a polling station in the southern city of Basra on April 13. Iraqi soldiers and policemen cast their ballots for provincial elections, a week ahead of the main vote that
An Iraqi army commando casts his ballot for the provincial elections at a polling station in the southern city of Basra on April 13. Iraqi soldiers and policemen cast their ballots for provincial elections, a week ahead of the main vote that comes...

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