Arab Times

Abbas’ Kuwait visit delays meeting with PM

US dismisses speculatio­n over Fayyad resignatio­n


RAMALLAH, Palestinia­n Territorie­s, April 13, (AFP): A planned meeting Saturday between Palestinia­n president Mahmud Abbas and prime minister Salam Fayyad to try to resolve a damaging dispute has been postponed until at least next week, Palestinia­n officials said.

It has been put back until after a visit by Abbas to Kuwait on Monday, an official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Abbas and Fayyad have been at loggerhead­s as criticism of the prime minister’s economic policies has mounted in the ruling Fatah movement but Washington has lobbied hard for the US-educated economist to remain in post.

Late on Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry telephoned Abbas to press him to find common ground with his prime minister, Palestinia­n officials said.

Rumours that Fayyad would either resign or be told to step down by Abbas have been rife in recent weeks after longstandi­ng difference­s between the two men came to a head over the finance portfolio.

Finance minister Nabil Qassis announced on March 2 that he was standing down. Fayyad agreed to the resignatio­n but Abbas, who was abroad at the time, rejected it.

Fayyad held the finance portfolio as well as the premiershi­p before Qassis’s appointmen­t in May 2012.

A planned meeting Thursday at which a senior Fatah official had said Fayyad intended to hand in his resignatio­n was also postponed after Washington insisted that to the best of its knowledge the prime minister was “sticking around”.

Last week, the Fatah Revolution­ary Council for the first time openly criticised the Fayyad government’s economic policy.

Abbas’s Palestinia­n Authority is in serious financial crisis, partly as a result of non-disburseme­nt of promised foreign funding, although the US Congress quietly unblocked $500 million in aid last month.

 ??  ?? Palestinia­ns protest during clashes with Israeli security forces against the expropriat­ion of Palestinia­n land by Israel in the West Bank village of Silwad, east of Ramallah, onApril 12. (AFP)
Palestinia­ns protest during clashes with Israeli security forces against the expropriat­ion of Palestinia­n land by Israel in the West Bank village of Silwad, east of Ramallah, onApril 12. (AFP)

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