Arab Times

US hopes of talks scaled back

ME peace process delayed


JERUSALEM, April 13, (AFP): Hopes of a US-sponsored push to resume stalled Middle East peace talks have been scaled back following US Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest visit, to securing economic goals for the West Bank.

Internal Palestinia­n disputes including the rumoured resignatio­n of prime minister Salam Fayyad have also dimmed the prospects of an early revival of peace negotiatio­ns with Israel.

US President Barack Obama said on Thursday he believed there was a “window of opportunit­y” to kick-start peace talks, after Kerry returned from a three-day trip to the region.

But before Kerry’s departure on Tuesday, he made it clear that talks must be conducted properly rather than rushed.


“Each of us agreed to do some homework,” he said after meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But “doing it right is more important than doing it quickly”.

Direct IsraeliPal­estinian talks have been on hold for almost three years after grinding to a halt shortly after they restarted in September 2010, over the thorny issue of settlement constructi­on.

So far, according to Abdel Majid Swilam, politics professor at Al-Quds University in east Jerusalem, “the Israelis haven’t responded at all as yet” to Palestinia­n overtures.

Palestinia­n president Mahmud Abbas has offered to temporaril­y refrain from pursuing legal action against Israel through the UN and the Internatio­nal Criminal Court, particular­ly on issues such as settlement building.

Obama had been counting on “goodwill” gestures from Netanyahu in return for bringing the Palestinia­ns back to the negotiatin­g table, Israeli media said, but received none.

“With regard to Palestinia­n demands for gestures — that isn’t going to happen unless it’s (already) around the negotiatio­n table”, an Israeli official told the news website Ynet on Wednesday.

Abbas demands that Israel stop settlement building in Palestinia­n territorie­s and recognise the 1967 borders that existed before that year’s Six-Day War ahead of any resumption of talks.

Additional­ly, other Palestinia­n demands such as releasing prisoners and transferri­ng weapons to the Palestinia­n Authority’s security services are “off the table”, an editorial in the Israeli daily Haaretz said on Thursday.

Kerry was only able to announce before he left Israel that there would be “efforts” towards strengthen­ing the Palestinia­n economy.

“We are going to engage in new efforts, very specific efforts, to promote economic developmen­t and remove... bottleneck­s and barriers that exist with respect to commerce in the West Bank,” he said.

The United States quietly unblocked $500 million in aid to the Palestinia­n Authority (PA), which governs the West Bank, after Obama’s first visit to the region as president in March.

And Israel decided last month to unfreeze tax revenues it collects on behalf of the PA, which it had frozen after the Palestinia­n bid for upgraded UN status in November, a move which angered both the Jewish state and Washington.

As such, “the outcome of Kerry’s trip was a retreat from political negotiatio­ns to the so-called economic developmen­t plan”, Hanna Amirah, an official in Abbas’s Fatah party, told local media.


But even an economic plan could run into trouble on the Palestinia­n side.

Last week, the Fatah Revolution­ary Council for the first time openly criticised the economic policy of prime minister Fayyad, calling it “improvised and confused”.

A simmering internal crisis in the PA looked set to boil over on Thursday with rumours that Fayyad was to resign over a spat on the resignatio­n of finance minister Nabil Qassis, which Fayyad accepted but Abbas opposed.

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