Arab Times

Police brace for mass ‘party’ in London for Thatcher’s death

Security tight at Trafalgar Square


LONDON, April 13, (AFP): Police were braced on Saturday for a mass “party” staged by opponents of Margaret Thatcher in London’s Trafalgar Square to celebrate her death.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said the authoritie­s were prepared for potential violence, after trouble erupted at several impromptu street celebratio­ns following the death of the former British prime minister on Monday.

Any unrest is likely to feed concerns about security at the Iron Lady’s funeral in the capital on Wednesday, which will be attended by Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister David Cameron and 2,000 guests, including many political and world figures.

No formal demonstrat­ion has been organised for Saturday, but over 1,500 people have pledged on Facebook to attend a “Thatcher’s Dead” party at Trafalgar Square at 6:00 pm (1700 GMT).

Representa­tives of the coal miners who battled Thatcher in a year-long strike in 19845, before accepting sweeping pit closures, were planning to travel to the capital for the event alongside students and left-wing groups, The Guardian reported.

Some football fans were threatenin­g to confront the anti-Thatcher revellers on their way home from the FA Cup semi-final between Millwall and Wigan in Wembley, northwest London, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Trafalgar Square is one of London’s biggest tourist hubs, home to the Nelson’s Column monument and the National Gallery.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said officers had “contacted a number of individual­s who have stated they intend to take part in protest on Saturday”.

London’s mayor said people were entitled to demonstrat­e but warned police would take a tough line on any violence.

“We live in a democracy where people are entitled to protest, they are entitled to have fun and do what they want,” Johnson told LBC radio on Friday when asked about the Trafalgar Square event.

“What they can’t do is, I think, is use the death of an elderly person to begin riot or affray or that kind of thing.”

Police are mounting a major security operation for Wednesday’s funeral, when Thatcher’s coffin will be taken to St Paul’s Cathedral through streets lined with members of the armed forces.

The ceremony itself will be carried out in line with strict instructio­ns left by the former premier herself, according to the Telegraph.

She requested that Cameron, as prime minister of the day, read a passage from the Bible but did not want any political eulogy, the newspaper reported. She also asked that her favourite hymns be sung.

In a reflection of her strong partnershi­p with Ronald Reagan in fighting communism in the Cold War, the guest list includes all the surviving US presidents.

But several towering politician­s from Thatcher’s era, including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, German ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl and Reagan’s widow Nancy, are not attending due to ill health.

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