Arab Times

Indian girl with swollen head needs miracle

‘It’s very difficult to watch her in pain


JIRANIA KHOLA, India, April 13, (AFP): A desperate Indian father whose young child suffers from a condition that caused her head to swell up to an enormous size said Saturday he is praying for a “miracle” to save her life.

Eighteen-month-old Roona Begum was diagnosed with hydrocepha­lus, in which cerebrospi­nal fluid builds up in the brain, just weeks after her birth in a government-run hospital in remote Tripura state in northeast India.

The potentiall­y fatal illness has caused Roona’s head to swell to a circumfere­nce of 91-centimetre­s (36-inches), putting pressure on her brain.

Her father, Abdul Rahman, 18, who lives in a mud hut with his family in the village of Jirania Khola, told AFP he prays for “a miracle” that will save his only child.

“Day by day, I saw her head growing too big after she was born,” said the illiterate labourer who works in a brick-making factory.

Doctors told him to go to a specialist hospital in a big city such as Kolkata in eastern India to get medical help but Rahman, who earns 150 rupees ($2.75) a day working in the brick plant, said he does not have the money to take her.

“It’s very difficult to watch her in pain. I pray several times a day for a miracle — for something to make my child better,” he said. The US government’s National Institute of Neurologic­al Disorders and Stroke estimates about one in every 500 children suffers from hydrocepha­lus.

The most common treatment involves the surgical insertion of a shunt system to drain cerebrospi­nal fluid away from the brain and towards another part of the body where it can be easily absorbed into the bloodstrea­m.

 ??  ?? Indian daily labourer, Abdul Rahman, 26, holds his 18 month old daughter, Roona Begum, suffering from Hydrocepha­lus,a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain
swelling, in front of their home in Jirania village on the outskirts of...
Indian daily labourer, Abdul Rahman, 26, holds his 18 month old daughter, Roona Begum, suffering from Hydrocepha­lus,a buildup of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain swelling, in front of their home in Jirania village on the outskirts of...

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