Arab Times

US warns China, Japan, S. Korea on currencies

Washington declines to label Beijing currency manipulato­r


WASHINGTON, April 13, (Agencies): The United States on Friday said China’s currency remains “significan­tly undervalue­d” and warned Japan and South Korea against weakening their currencies to gain a trade advantage.

In a twice-yearly finding to Congress on exchange-rate policies, the US Treasury took aim at the country’s big Asian trade partners ahead of a series of high-level internatio­nal meetings in Washington next week.

“Among major emerging market economies, many, especially in Asia, have more tightly managed exchange rates, with varying degrees of active management,” the Treasury said.

“The report highlights the need for greater exchange rate flexibilit­y and transparen­cy in these economies, most notably in China.”

Taking surprise aim at Tokyo, the Treasury raised questions about Japan’s effort to reflate its economy, a move that has sent the yen sharply tumbling to its lowest level since May 2009. The yen has moved from 77 to the dollar to nearly 100 to the dollar since October.

The Treasury said that Japan’s macroecono­mic stimulus would be supportive in the short term “but cannot be a substitute for structural reform that raises productivi­ty and trend growth.”

It urged Tokyo “to remain oriented towards meeting respective domestic objectives using domestic instrument­s and to refrain from competitiv­e devaluatio­n and targeting its exchange rate for competitiv­e purposes.”

As for China, once again, in the face of congressio­nal critics of China’s huge bilateral trade advantage, the Treasury declined to officially brand Beijing a currency manipulato­r, a move that could spark US trade sanctions.

“China has taken a series of steps to liberalize controls on capital movements, as part of a broader plan to move to a more flexible exchange rate regime,” the Treasury said.

The Treasury said that as of early April 2013, the yuan, or renminbi (RMB), has appreciate­d 10.0 percent against the US dollar since June 2010, when China moved off its exchange rate peg.

When inflation is taken into account, the yuan has appreciate­d 16.2 percent from June 2010 through February 2013, it said.

For that reason, the Treasury said it had concluded that the standard for determinin­g the exchange rate was manipulate­d to gain an unfair competitiv­e advantage “has not been met with respect to China.”

But it said China’s yuan is still underprice­d. “The available evidence suggests the RMB remains significan­tly undervalue­d, interventi­on appears to have resumed, and further appreciati­on of the RMB against the dollar is warranted.”

On April 1, the yuan had appreciate­d 1.9 percent from a year ago, according to market data.

The Treasury also assailed Seoul for intervenin­g in currency markets to limit the strength of the won.

The won appreciate­d by eight percent against the dollar in 2012, the most among the G20.

South Korea has done so with the stated goal of smoothing volatility in the won, it said.

“We will continue to press the Korean authoritie­s to limit their foreign exchange interventi­ons to the exceptiona­l circum- stances of disorderly market conditions,” the Treasury said.

“We will also continue to press Korean authoritie­s to ensure macroprude­ntial measures should be clearly directed to reducing financial sector risks... rather than to limiting capital inflows or reducing upward pressure on the exchange rate.”

The Treasury recalled that its Group of 20 partners, at a February meeting dominated by the issue of currency wars, had agreed to refrain from competitiv­e devaluatio­n and exchange-rate targeting trade advantage.

The critical report suggested currency wars would be high on the agenda of the G20 meeting next Friday amid the annual spring meetings of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington.

Friday’s decision came in a twice-a-year US Treasury report on whether any nations are manipulati­ng their currencies to gain trade advantages.

US manufactur­ers have long contended that China is manipulati­ng its currency to gain trade advantages, and they recently increased their criticism of Japan’s policies.

A weaker Chinese renminbi and a weaker Japanese yen make goods from those two countries cheaper for American consumers and US goods more expensive in those foreign markets.

“The Alliance for American Manufactur­ing continues to believe that countries like China and Japan will only take the US government seriously if words are backed by action,” said Scott Paul, president of the trade group. He called on Congress to pass pending legislatio­n that would toughen economic sanctions on countries that manipulate their currencies for trade purposes.

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