Arab Times

Asmussen demands clarity on ‘bail-in’ creditor ‘pecking order’


Top European Central Bank official Joerg Asmussen warned Friday that the eurozone has to spell out a clear “pecking order” for creditor losses in future Cyprus-style “bail-in” debt rescues.

“Bailing-in itself is not a problem,” Asmussen said after talks with European Union finance ministers which formally approved last month’s controvers­ial Cyprus bailout accord.

“(But you) must make clear to internatio­nal investors the pecking order ... the rules of the game,” he told a press conference.

He said the hierarchy for who suffers losses from bondholder­s to depositors was clear in the United States and elsewhere.

After Cyprus, where the terms changed several times during arduous negotiatio­ns, Asmussen said this had to be done in the eurozone “so you do not put Europe at a disadvanta­ge” compared with other major economies.

He added that it would be “preferable” if this was functionin­g from “2015 and not 2018”.

Asmussen pushed EU states to speed up a eurozone banking union seen by leaders as a lasting answer to the problems of the intertwine­d sovereign and banking debt crisis.

“We need to agree all elements of banking union - and I mean ALL elements,” he said.

This “should include bail-in provision from the outset,” he said. (AFP)

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