Arab Times

F1 returns to Bahrain amid demonstrat­ions


SHANGHAI, April 13, (AP): Formula One is bracing for its return to Bahrain next week amid fresh protests about the staging of a grand prix in a country still riven by sectarian and political divisions.

The protests may not be as intense as they were the past two years — prompting the cancellati­on of the 2011 race and vast security measures to allow the 2012 grand prix to proceed — but thousands still demonstrat­ed on Friday against the race, to be held April 21.

Organizers of the protests said more demonstrat­ions were planned.

The FIA, the governing body of Formula One, and FOM, which runs the commercial side of the sport, have been largely silent on the political protests in the lead-up to this year’s event.

Franz Tost, team principal of Toro Rosso, said on Friday it is “very important” the grand prix should go ahead.

“I don’t see any problems going to Bahrain, like it was last year,” Tost said. “I’m looking forward to going there.

“Formula One is entertainm­ent. We should not be involved in politics. We should go there, do our race, we should be concentrat­ed there and the political side and the political topics should be solved by someone else.”

Rights groups say that Bahrain security forces have expanded arrests and crackdowns near the Sakhir circuit.

Friday’s protest, authorized by the government, included a line of marchers more than two kilometers (1.2 miles) long.

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