Arab Times

Iran to brave defeat

- By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

IT IS a glaring fact that the basic problem of Iran is not about possessing a nuclear weapon in spite of the danger it poses to the security and stability of the region. This doubled-edged issue — which could have been solved in several ways — put Tehran in a ‘no win’ situation, forced to swallow the bait and face the consequenc­es.

The real disagreeme­nt within the Mullah regime is the provocativ­e method adopted by it — the method of enmity and threats which disturbs regional stability. It warrants deep investigat­ion without hesitation before prioritizi­ng the interests of the so-called superpower­s ahead of the interest of the citizens of the region who need to live in peace, security and stability.

There is no doubt that Iran has taken a courageous step in the preliminar­y agreement with the 5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) nations. The entire internatio­nal community and the region have welcomed this developmen­t but what remains to be seen is a meaningful desire. God forbid if the agreement smells of dishonest intentions.

It is not about the technique of uranium enrichment which is very important for us in the region but the change of attitude towards neighborin­g States and other Arabs and Muslims of the world.

It should shun sectariani­sm and stop promoting racial tendencies because these twin issues are of utmost importance to the region. Rightfully so Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have expressed their position on the agreement in crystal clear terms.

The region has suffered enough from the provocativ­e Iranian behavior and that is the reason why the focus is on the honest Persian intention. Experience has taught us not to trust ‘the open’ Iranian position before we read between the lines.

It has been proven that a strong diplomacy is more effective than a nuclear weapon and this we have said over and over again. This is Iran of today that enjoys the fruit of that diplomacy.

However, if it continues to challenge the world it will bite the dust within weeks if not months because the level of poverty has risen to an unbearable level following the economic sanctions imposed on Tehran by the internatio­nal community.

These facts are not strange to those who monitor the situation closely including ordinary citizens not only in Iran but also in the entire region. Looking at the agreement as a victory for the new lord in Tehran is not the reality rather it is an attempt to exploit and showcase extraordin­ary strength that gives rise to several questions which the leaders in Tehran must answer.

If the main interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to get the sanctions off its chest which the agreement indicates in its bid to take over control of the region for which it has been aspiring for decades then Tehran is dead wrong. It the agreement is for home consumptio­n than the regime of mullahs will be adding fuel to fire.

The media, especially the social networking websites lays bare everything. The situation is totally different from what it used to be prior to the revolution in the communicat­ions sector. The slogans will not help millions of Iranians who are suffering from hunger and poverty to live a decent life.

Iran must probably learn a lesson from Jamal Abdul Nasser (the former late President of Egypt) who attempted to depict the defeat of 1967 as a victory except that the Egyptians including other Arabs were quick enough to put the records right through their viewpoints about the six-day-war.

If it does not want to learn from the Egyptian experience, it can choose to learn from its associate in Lebanon (Hezbollah) which beat the drums of victory in the name of Providence following the July 2006 war while in reality the war had claimed thousands of innocent Lebanese lives, thousands maimed, and infrastruc­tures in cities, villages and towns leveled to the ground. The slogans did not help repair the situation. It was the worst defeat experience­d by Lebanon to date. So the country remains tied to the internatio­nal treaty of 1701.

All that the Iranian regime has done is taken a courageous step to relieve its citizens and rescue the economy from total collapse.

It should continue fulfilling remaining terms and conditions of the agreement and show its openness to its rich neighbors which can turn out to be the most prosperous region in the world from all aspects if it attains security and stability.

This will be impossible if the Iranian leaders fail to accept the reality that it cannot remain isolated to fulfill its imperial aspiration­s which are no longer feasible.

It Iran continues to daydream it could lose a historic opportunit­y because opportunit­ies do not come knocking on the door always. Time and tide waits for no man and more so their hallucinat­ions.

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