Arab Times

‘Employer must pay KD 250 for absconding employees case’

‘Labor’ recently observes large number of absconding reports


They explained that the ministry is planning to implement such a procedure after recently observing that a large number of absconding reports, which the employees had submitted against their employees, were not withdrawn after the two parties settled their issues in a friendly manner.

They stressed that the financial guarantee paid by the employers will be used for the good of the employees in dealing with any new developmen­ts in the cases such as for paying their ticket fares or as indemnity for obligating the employer to settle the dues of his employees.

They added the decision will insist that the officials of the concerned department­s should not any accept any absconding reports from the employers if the latter fail to pay the financial guarantee.


Meanwhile, the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Thikra AlRasheedi has allotted the labor department of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorat­e to receive employers associated with huge developmen- tal projects in the country besides their usual tasks. She affirmed that such a step will facilitate the completion of the employers’ transactio­ns.

She said the ministry does not interfere in the assessment process of the personnel that is required for the vital government­al projects, adding that the concerned government authoritie­s decide such a step.

Minister Al-Rasheedi stressed that the ministry is keen on sparing no efforts in achieving the transactio­ns of the employers particular­ly of those related to the projects of the country’s developmen­t plan.

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SE SE SE SE SE SE SE Expected weather.....mostly sunny + scattered clouds Sea state..........................................slight Wave height .....................................1-2 ft Max Temp ..........................................24C Min Temp ...

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