Arab Times

Sheikha Latifa ‘praises’ Ban campaign for women

‘Unite to End Violence Against Women’


KUWAIT CITY, Nov 27, (KUNA): Chairperso­n of the Committee for Women’s Affairs of the Council of Minister Sheikha Latifa Fahad Al-Salem Al-Sabah has appreciate­d the great attention given by the United Nations to combat violence against women.

In a statement, she praised the initiative of the SecretaryG­eneral of the Internatio­nal Organizati­on to establish a day every month instead of one day a year to raise awareness over the eliminatio­n of this phenomenon.

On the occasion of the Internatio­nal Day for the Eliminatio­n of Violence against Women, Sheikha Latifa said the campaign that was launched by the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, dubbed (Unite to end violence against women) on the 25th of every month and not just on November 25 only of each year to raise awareness of the importance of combating violence against women conforms with the principles and positions of the State of Kuwait.

She said that she agrees with Ban Ki-moon on the need to welcome and pay more attention to claims that call for an end to the violence, which affects an estimated one out of every three women in the world, according to United Nations statistics.

Sheikha Latifa asserted the importance of issuing and activating the laws in various countries in order to address all forms of violence against women and take punistive measures in this regard.

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