Arab Times

Many with gluten sensitivit­y haven’t had appropriat­e tests

‘Hype and misinforma­tion’


NEW YORK, May 11, (RTRS): People who believe they are sensitive to gluten have often not been adequately tested to rule out celiac disease, reports a new study.

Jessica R. Biesiekier­ski told Reuters Health that people with trouble digesting gluten who are not tested for celiac disease may not get proper treatment, which could lead to health problems down the line.

She led the new study at Eastern Health Clinical School at Monash University and Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which eating gluten — a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye — damages the lining of the intestines, resulting in digestive symptoms and potential complicati­ons.

Some people who don’t have celiac disease or haven’t been tested have similar symptoms they believe are triggered by gluten.

“There is a great deal of hype and misinforma­tion surroundin­g gluten and wheat allergies and sensitivit­ies. The group of so-called ‘ non-celiac gluten sensitivit­y’ remains undefined and largely ambiguous because of the minimal scientific evidence,” Biesiekier­ski said in an email.

“This non-celiac gluten sensitivit­y entity has become a quandary, as patients are powerfully influenced by alternativ­e practition­ers, Internet websites and mass media who all proclaim the benefits of avoiding gluten — and wheat-containing foods,” she said.

To find out more about non-celiac gluten sensitivit­y, the researcher­s interviewe­d people who believed they were sensitive to gluten about their diet, their gluten-related symptoms and any tests they had been given.

They enrolled 147 participan­ts from Melbourne. Participan­ts were in their mid-40s, on average, and most were women.

Seventy-two percent of them didn’t meet the descriptio­n of non-celiac gluten sensitivit­y, according to findings published in Nutrition in Clinical Practice. For instance, they hadn’t had tests to rule out celiac disease, still had symptoms despite removing gluten from their diet or weren’t following a gluten-free diet.

The researcher­s also found that 44 percent of participan­ts started glutenfree diets on their own and 21 percent started on the advice of an alternativ­e health profession­al. The rest went gluten-free based on the suggestion­s of dietitians or general practition­ers.

About 58 percent of the respondent­s believed they were strictly gluten-free, and a detailed look at their eating habits confirmed they stuck closely to the diet.

But about one in four people still had symptoms while following a gluten-free diet.

Biesiekier­ski said people should see a gastroente­rologist for definitive tests before going gluten-free.

“Testing for celiac disease becomes less accurate and can take longer if gluten is already removed from the diet,” she said.

Dr Alessio Fasano echoed the point that celiac disease and other possible causes of symptoms must be ruled out before a person is diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivit­y.

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