Arab Times

Easy poses rejigger flow of energy

Staying active plays important role in health

- By Lisa Roach Special to the Arab Times

a lady who is asking what she can do to have more energy. Somewhere inside you lives your personal version of Superwoman, energy and unmatched levels of focus and discipline, and you can feel more positive. The secret, all you have to do is change the way you sit or stand, even for just a few minutes. Doing so will rejigger the flow of blood, oxygen and energy in your body and may even alter your hormone levels, bringing forth qualities you might not have known you had. Receptors in the brain respond to shifts in body position by triggering the release of hormones that can give you the calm or push you need. While some of the chemistrym­orphing shortcuts look like yoga moves, you don’t have to do a whole sequence to reap the benefits, simply take up the position of your choice and you will feel invincible, fast.

If you spend much of your day seated, you might develop a slight hunch, which can inhibit the muscles around your lungs from working efficientl­y and sap your body of energy.

Below are some exercises, poses, you can do and explains what eat pose will do for your energy.

There is an exercise “locust pose” which helps reverse that slump and open up your chest, giving you an instant sense of vitality. Doing it a few times a week also strengthen­s our back and shoulders so you are less likely to fall back into the slouch. Plus, it could increase fertility: A study in the Journal of Alternativ­e and Complement­ary Medicine found the pose helped regulate the menstrual cycles of participan­ts with ploycystic ovary syndrome.

Locust Pose

To unleash your inner energizer

Lie on your abdominal, arms at sides, legs slightly apart.

Tighten your core and squeeze your buttocks, interlace your fingers behind you.

Pull you shoulder blades together and lift your arms and legs, keeping the abdominals contracted.

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds, and repeat 3 to 5 times.

When you are cruising through life with a smile, your heart rate and breath is naturally slow. You can trick your body into a leisurely, joyful pace just by bending over, when your head is lower than your heart, the aorta and carotid artery sense that too much blood is coming at them and signal the heart to slow down. Your breath eases up, too, reducing stress and boosting your mood. To unleash your inner sunshine

Start by thinking about feeling happy.

Stand with feet about 3 feet apart, hinge forward at hips, lowering torso and resting hands on the floor or a yoga block.

Breathe deeply through the nose, exhaling longer than you inhale, and hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

Return to standing for a few seconds, until any dizziness dissipates, and repeat 3 to 5 times.

Too often, when we face an intimidati­ng situation like a presentati­on at work or negotiatin­g with a jerky con- tractor, we get anxious and unconsciou­sly try to make ourselves smaller, crossing our arms and slouching. But wide, open stances are linked with power and confidence, according to research by the Harvard Business School. In fact, one of the studies found that holding the position below for 2 minutes raises testostero­ne by 20 percent, making you feel empowered and willing to take risks, while also reducing the stress hormone cortisol by about 25 percent (result, super hero boldness ad a sense of cool.) your inner strength

Stand with your feet more than shoulder width apart, toes pointed out. Make hands into fists and rest them on hips, elbows bent.

Another option, sit with feet up on a desk, leaning back, hands on back of head.

Think empowering thoughts for 2 minutes.

If your mind is in so many places, this particular stance could be the ideal way to find your focus again. The Chinese healing art uses breathing exercises, movements and visualizat­ions to circulate Qi energy, or life force, through the body and keep the mind centered. In our modern lives, we are doing or thinking too many things at once, which keeps us from being in the moment. The basic posture of Qigoing lets energy flow freely through the body and puts you in a calm and present state of mind.

Power Pose


unleash To unleash your inner calm

Stand with knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out.

Hold right hand vertically in front of upper chest (palm facing left side), with left hand under right forearm, palm facing up.

Close eyes and imagine a stream of energy and light traveling up and down the center of your body.

Stand still and breather deeply for up to 3 minutes.

We know how what we eat plays such a role in our overall health, what about “sleep”. Today listed seven surefire tips for maximizing your sleep, according to sleep specialist. 1. Hit the gym First off, being unfit leads to a risk of sleep disorder. And in untrained athletes, exercise will increase your deep, slowwave sleep phase at the beginning of the night, which is important for consolidat­ing memories and critical “housekeepi­ng” functions, including sweeping the toxic debris from your cells. 2. Go To Bed Early on Fridays This is a little secret, if you are really sleep deprived after a busy week and have high homeostati­c pressure, you can hit the late afternoon nap phase on the night before your days off (weekend) and ride it all the way to next morning. There are very few times you can sleep longer than you’d usually sleep, and that is one of them. 3. Don’t Hack Your Sleep Specialist­s encourage wearing a sleep monitor because it is important to have a scale so that people know whether or not they are getting enough sleep. But don’t use the alarm function that wakes you up at a lighter stage of your sleep cycle. If you are waking up half an hour earlier just to feel less groggy, then over the long term you are going to lose more sleep and you will become more chronicall­y sleep deprived. 4. Nap More Often Remember if you can sleep, you probably should. Naps can bring you a burst of energy and help compensate for your sleep deficit. Most people, like NBA players, will find they have more energy after a nap. Also help consolidat­e memory. 5. Set Aside A Core Sleep Period Make sure to carve out enough time for sleep. If you can’t be in bed at exactly the same time every night, aim for a core that is consistent, such as midnight to 6 a.m. whenever your bedtime is, always plan to be asleep during those hours. 6. Lose The Snooze If you hit your snooze button over and over again for an hour, you may as well have been awake that whole time. You just gave up an hour of consolidat­ed sleep, possibly with a nice long REM episode. So you won’t get the same restorativ­e value you would have. You just degraded the value of the sleep from 10 to a 2. 7. Ditch The Pills Sleeping pills such as Ambien are not a good idea and can lead to a sleep disorder. They change the architectu­re of the sleep, reducing the slow-wave sleep. If you absolutely must, for personal reasons, use them for only a week or two.

Light is the more insidious influence on your biological clock. These are the beams emitted by your iPad, plasma television, and even econconsci­ous lightbulbs.

When this short-wavelength light hits the photosensi­tive retinal ganglion cells in your eye, it halts the release of “sleep promoting” neurons and “activates arousal promoting” neurons. It also suppresses the release of melatonin, the brain’s natural chemical for facilitati­ng drowsiness. In our artificial­ly lit world, it is likely that most of us have shifted our time zones to the point that sleep, the necessary, healthy kind, is increasing­ly difficult to achieve.

We go to bed late and force ourselves up too early with caffeine!

I hope you have learned something today in regards the importance of “sleep” and how to do the easy exercises listed for you to gain “energy”.

Again, every research given “staying active” plays an important role in our overall health. Keep moving and eat healthy!

Have a great week, take time to enjoy life!

Lisa, Your Personal Trainer

 ??  ?? Lisa Roach
Lisa Roach

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