Arab Times

Muhammad (PBUH) endures physical torture


realizing the uselessnes­s of all attempts they made to check the march of Islam, the polytheist­s decided to abuse the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and put the new reverts to different sorts of torture and persecutio­n — using all available resources.

Abu Huraira narrated that Abu Jahl said: “Does Muhammad soil his face with dust in front of you? They said, “Yes.” Then he said, “I swear by AlLaat and Al-Uzzah! If I see him do that, I would step on his nape or I would cover his face with dust.” Abu Huraira continues narrating that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went one day to the Ka’bah to pray.” As soon as Abu Jahl saw him, he followed him in order to fulfil his vow. No sooner had he left them they saw him recoiling back on his heels while raising his hands in a protective stance. They asked him, “What is wrong with you?” He replied, “I saw a ditch of fire between me and him and a terrifying thing and wings.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) later said, “Had he approached me, the angels would have seized him limb by limb.” Abu Huraira went on to say that Allah revealed verses from 6 to 19 of Surat Al-Alaq giving assurances to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).” (Reported by Imam Al-Bukhari in Al-Fat’h 18/380 and Muslim 4/2145 — 2155)

Urwa bin Az-Zubair said, “I asked Abdullah bin Amru about the severest punishment that the polytheist­s meted out to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He (Abdullah) said, “I saw Uqbah bin Abi Muait approach the Prophet (PBUH) while praying, so he placed his mantle around the Prophet’s neck and chocked him severely until Abu Bakr arrived and pushed Uqbah away from the Prophet (PBUH). Then he (Abu Bakr) said, “Do you want to kill a man just because he says, “My Lord is Allah? Yet he has come with clear evidences from your Lord.” (Reported by Imam Al-Bukhari in Al-Fat’h 14/179.

Ibn Mas’oud narrated that while Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was praying around the Ka’bah, Abu Jahl and his cronies were sitting, a camel or sheep had been slaughtere­d the previous day. So Abu Jahl said, “Who among you will go and bring intestines of a slaughtere­d camel of such and such a tribe so that he goes and places it on the blade of Muhammad’s shoulder while prostratin­g? It is said that Uqbah bin Abi Muait took the initiative to that. After doing it, all of them starting laughing uncontroll­ably leaning towards one another. Ibn Masoud said that all this happened in front of him but he didn’t have any protection from any family. So he couln’t do anything. The Prophet stayed in that position until his daughter Fatema — who was still a young girl — appeared and removed the intestines while abusing them.” After the Prophet (PBUH) finished his prayer, he raised his voice supplicati­ng to Allah to punish them. Ibn Masoud said, “I swear by Allah, Who sent Muhammad with the truth! I saw those whom the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned in his long supplicati­on die one by one in the battle of Bader.” (Reported by Imam Al-Bukhari in AlFat’h 12/66 )

Utaiban bin Abi Lahab thought he had a carte blanche to harm the Prophet. So he tore the Prophet’s shirt and spat in his face. Although the spittle didn’t fall on the Prophet, it was utter humiliatio­n. Thereafter, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started praying against him saying, “O Allah! (I beseech you to) give an upper hand to one of your beasts of prey over him.” The Prophet’s supplicati­on was accepted. He was later killed by a lion in a place called Al-Zarqa’a in Sham. (Al-Dalael 2/196)

Abu Lahab himself took the initiative in the new series of persecutio­ns, and started to mete out countless aspects of harmful deeds, hatred and spite against Muhammad (PBUH) starting with hurling stones at him, forcing his two sons to divorce their wives Ruqaiya and Umm Kulthum — the Prophet’s daughters. His wife Um Jameel used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes of twisted palm-leaf fiber and then strew them about in the paths which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was expected to take, in order to cause him bodily injury and harm.

Some companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tortured:

Abu Bakr himself wouldn’t escape torture. For he was severely tortured until he thought of emigrating to Abbyssynia. Once while giving a sermon in the Sacred Mosque surroundin­g the Ka’bah, the polytheist­s beat him up severely. Among those who beat him was Utbah bin Ar-Rabeea — he struck him with his slippers until the face was flattened. This continued until the tribe of Abu Bakr — Banu Taim — knew of it. When the torturers of Abu Bakr saw his tribesmen, they desisted. They then carried him to his house while he was unconsciou­s. His tribesmen threatened Utbah that if he died, they would also kill Utbah. (Al-Bidaaya wan-Nihaaya 3/148)

Uthman bin Affaan: Ibn Saad reported that when Uthman embraced Islam his uncle — Al-Hakam bin AlAas — took him and tied him up tightly swearing that he would never untie him until he (Uthman) recanted Uthman, on his part, swore that he wouldn’t recant Islam. After his uncle realized Uthman’s strong faith, he untied him. (Ibn Saad 3/55)

Urwa bin Az-Zubair narrated that the first person — after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) — to recite the Holy Qur’an loudly at the Ka’bah was Abdullah bin Masoud. Although Muslims continued warning him against the consequenc­es of doing that, he insisted. After his beautiful recitation of the Glorious Qur’an, the Quraish beat him up severely. When his colleagues among the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) told him that they had hitherto been afraid of that consequenc­e on him, he replied, “The enemies of Allah (SWT) have never been more ignoble and mean than now. And if you wish, I would recite the Qur’an to them again.” His fellow companions prevented him.” (Ibn Hishaam 1/388 — 389)

Slaves and the weak subjected to torture:

Bilal, slave of Umaiyah bin Khalaf, was severely beaten by his master when the latter came to know of his reversion to Islam. Sometimes a rope was put around his neck and street boys were made to drag him along the streets and even across the hillocks of Makkah. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) saw Bilal as he was passing by, he purchased him and freed him unconditio­nally.Another victim of the Quraish was Ammar bin Yasir, a freed slave of Bani Makhzum. He, along with his mother and father, embraced Islam in its early phase. They were repeatedly made to lie on the burning sand and were beaten severely. Yasir, the father, died because of the torture. Sumayyah, Ammar’s mother was tortured to death by Abu Jahl himself, and thus merited the title of the first woman martyr in Islam.

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