Arab Times

Dr Carson outpacing many ’16 rivals

Kasich to enter GOP presidenti­al race July 21


WASHINGTON, June 29, (RTRS): Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurge­on with no experience in the cutthroat world of Washington politics, is riding a surprising wave of support among conservati­ves that has placed him near the top of contenders for the Republican presidenti­al nominee in 2016.

The soft-spoken 63-year-old Carson, an African-American who only officially became a Republican last year, has found an opening in the wide-open race in which 13 candidates are running for the White House. His resume of having performed 15,000 surgical operations is the most unusual of anyone in the field.

In polls, Carson outperform­s most of his fellow candidates, who often have much bigger media profiles, much more political experience and in many cases have track records as governors or senators. While the spotlight has been on opponents like former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Carson has been quietly building a grassroots following.

His surprising popularity in the polls has translated into a high number of individual donations that has not been previously reported. Interviews with supporters and conservati­ve activists suggest he is benefiting from a weariness among some Republican­s with establishm­ent politician­s.

Much of his appeal centers on his lack of connection to Washington and his off-the-cuff speaking style: He eschews prepared speeches in favor of thoughts he jots down on index cards to which he may or may not refer.

His supporters are not troubled by his lack of political experience and indeed welcome the fact that he is new to the public stage. His support is particular­ly strong among Christian conservati­ves, who like the fact that his half-dozen books and speeches are infused with discussion­s about his faith.

Carson told a crowd in Sioux Center, Iowa, last week that he didn’t really want to run for president, but there were so many people clamoring for him to get into the race that he felt the call.

“I started praying about it, asking God for guidance, and I finally concluded that ‘Lord, as long as you open the doors I’ll walk through them. And if you shut the doors, I’ll gladly sit down.’ Well, he has continuall­y opened the doors,” Carson said.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll this week showed that Carson was the third most popular choice among Republican primary voters (11 percent). Only former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (17 percent) and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (15 percent) placed ahead of him.


A WSJ/NBC News poll places him fourth in the Republican race, while a poll by the conservati­ve group Citizens United of the group’s members found Carson in first place with 18 percent among 4,300 respondent­s.

“He’s certainly positionin­g himself to make a very serious run at it,” said Dave Bossie, president of Citizens United. Bossie nonetheles­s said Carson still faces some big hurdles.

“He has to show he can raise money. But at the end of the day he’s got to translate grassroots support across the country into votes and that’s a tough thing to do,” he said.

Carson campaign


say Carson is receiving a surge in small-dollar financial donations, up to 185,000 so far and on track for 200,000 by the end of the month, with an average of $52 apiece.

Campaign finance expert Brendan Glavin said 185,000 was a big number if all were unique donors. In 2011, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign said it had 493,697 unique donors.

Carson’s speeches on the campaign trail include the standard conservati­ve calls for getting the government off the backs of the people without a whole lot of specifics.


But there’s also an element of faithheale­r optimism based on his life, from rebellious Detroit street youth who tried to stab a friend at age 14, to accomplish­ed physician who in 1987 led a surgical team that successful­ly separated conjoined twins.

His staff is never quite sure what Carson is going to say publicly since he does not speak from a text, a stark difference from today’s carefully scripted candidates.

“It makes for some anxious moments for his staff, I can promise you that,” said Carson communicat­ions director Doug Watts. “But that’s his style.”

While it would be easy to write off Carson as simply enjoying a brief shining moment, his rise is not based on a sudden burst of publicity from, for example, a good debate performanc­e on national television.

Instead, Carson is riding high based on what has been a far smaller stage that includes support from people who have seen him on cable TV, watched the 2009 movie “Gifted Hands” about his life or read one of his books.

Interviews with more than a dozen Carson supporters show that it is his unique background that is helping him get traction in the race for the Republican nomination.

Also: WASHINGTON: Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich will announce his candidacy for president on July 21 at an event at Ohio State University, Politico reported on Sunday, citing advisers.

Kasich, 63, would join 13 other Republican­s seeking their party’s nomination next year. Re-elected to a second term as Ohio’s governor last November, Kasich has said his potential presidenti­al run depended on raising enough money to compete in a crowded Republican field.

Politico quoted advisers as saying that Kasich would aim to seem less scripted than leading Republican rivals and that he combined establishm­ent appeal with a conservati­ve voting record that included his 18 years in Congress.

Kasich, a former chairman of the US House of Representa­tives Budget Committee, heads an important electoral swing state, which could make him a potent force in the Republican field.

He ranks 13th in a realclearp­ average of polls for declared and undeclared Republican presidenti­al candidates. That leaves him currently outside the top 10 candidates in national polling who will participat­e in the party’s first debate in August.

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