Arab Times

‘Welcome to Facebook’:


Tens of thousands of posts apparently from China have flooded Taiwan presidenti­al election front runner Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook account, demanding that the island return to China — and her response on Wednesday was to welcome mainland interest in democracy.

The surge in posts, nearing 70,000 by Wednesday, is all the more astonishin­g because Facebook is generally blocked in Communist Party-ruled China, although there are ways of getting around firewalls.

“I hope this rare new experience can let the ‘new friend’ see a more complete democracy, freedom and pluralism of Taiwan,” Tsai posted to contributo­rs “from across the Strait”, the narrow strip of water separating China and Taiwan. “Welcome to the world of Facebook!”

China deems proudly democratic Taiwan a breakaway province to be taken back, by force if necessary, particular­ly if it makes moves towards formal independen­ce. (RTRS)


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