Arab Times

US revamps terrorism alert system

Social media used in immigratio­n vetting


WASHINGTON, Dec 17, (RTRS): US security officials issued the first bulletin on Wednesday under a revamped national alert system to warn the public about terrorism risks and inform Americans about threats from Islamic State and other militant groups.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced the changes to the alert system, which are aimed at providing a more flexible way of alerting citizens about threats.

“My goal is that we have an agile process,” Johnson said.

The addition of bulletins as a third form of advisory to the system in place since 2011 had been in the works for months and was not prompted by the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, the department has said.

No alerts have been issued since the National Terrorism Alert System was set up in 2011. It had two advisory levels an elevated alert, which warns of a credible threat of an attack; and an imminent alert, which warns of a credible, specific and impending threat.

Johnson said the changes to the system allows Homeland Security to post a bulletin that does not depend on a specific, credible threat.

The alert issued on Wednesday under the new system, which expires on June 16, reads: “We are in a new phase in the global threat environmen­t, which has implicatio­ns on the homeland.

“Particular­ly with the rise in use by terrorist groups of the Internet to inspire and recruit, we are concerned about the ‘self-radicalize­d’ actor (s) who could strike with little or no notice. Recent attacks and attempted attacks internatio­nally and in the homeland warrant increased security, as well as increased public vigilance and awareness.”

DHS said the new bulletins are intended to describe general trends or current developmen­ts.

The bulletins also inform the public about security measures authoritie­s are taking and give advice about what people may do to keep safe, a DHS official said.

Johnson said the possibilit­y of homegrown extremists inspired by Islamic State mounting attacks at public venues in the United States is the biggest concern for the department.

A bulletin may be issued about an event and ask people to be prepared for the security they would encounter at the venue or on their way to it, according to DHS.

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